Hundreds of Greeks attended the anniversary event of the Popular Nationalist newspaper - Photos/Videos

06/10/2016 20:09

1000 Issues of the newspaper “Golden Dawn”: Hundreds of Greeks attended the anniversary event of the Popular Nationalistic newspaper-Photography, Video

The anniversary event for the thousand issues of the newspaper “Golden dawn” took place, in the presence of hundreds of Nationalists, with utter success. “Golden Dawn” is the only sincerely independent newspaper, that has never been subsided, but declaring the truth.
The anniversary event for the thousand issues of the newspaper “Golden dawn” took place, in the presence of hundreds of Nationalists, with utter success. “Golden Dawn” is the only sincerely independent newspaper, that has never been subsided, but declaring the truth.
The event opened with the prologue of the MP elected in Boeotia, Comrade Evaggelos Karakostas, who emphasized on the crucial contribution of the newspaper “Golden Dawn” to the Fights of the Greek Nationalists.   
The anniversary event commenced with the speech of the Comrade and MP of Golden Dawn, elected in Athens, Georgios Germenis, who referred to the first days of the newspaper “Golden Dawn”, back in 1993 and the protests about our Macedonia. Back then, Mr. Mitsotakis had stated that Macedonia will have been forgotten in few years.
And honestly, all the newspapers, of the left and the right wing, are now indifferent towards this subject. In the Greek Patriotic Side, solely “Golden Dawn”, the newspaper of the Greek Nationalists has remained, having published 1000 issues and counting 23 years of political action.
Afterwards, Comrade Nikolaos Konstantinou, member of the Central Commission and editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Golden Dawn” made a speech, where he reported the fact that every article in this newspaper has been confirmed over time, even aging 23 years back. 23 years with numerous sacrifices, where the last page of this newspaper, marked with the signature of the Leader of Golden Dawn, continued to be launched, despite the persecutions and the illegal imprisonments. These persecutions, however, have not stopped, since those in charge of this newspaper are still prosecuted regarding the legitimacy in the subject of the illegal immigration.
The member of the Central Commission and regular columnist of the newspaper “Golden Dawn”, Georgios Misiakas reported briefly the History of this newspaper, which coincides with the History of the Movement of the Greek Nationalists, following the rough road towards the Virtue, sown with persecutions, the polemic of an entire regime and even the assassination of our comrades, Giorgos Foudoulis and Manolis Kapelonis. In order to affirm his statements, the Comrade presented two issues of our newspaper. The one published shortly after the pre-trial detention of the Leader and our Comrades and the issue following the assassination of our Undying Comrades.
Right after, the Comrades had the chance to watch a video with the principal front-pages of the newspaper “Golden Dawn”, through 23 years of political action. This video presented numerous documents regarding the political action of the Greek Nationalists and the schemes developed by the political system in order to restrain us, from the first terrorist attack against Golden Dawn, until the first provocation and conspiracy (since 1993) against the Movement of the Greek Nationalists.
The Leader of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos, applauded and admired, commenced his speech by referring to the recent political developments, the further degeneration of the Education, provoked by the political regime –currently with SYRIZA, previously with New Democracy-, to the turkish threats of war, to the intolerable situation concerning the illegal immigration. Yet, he also emphasized on the rising hope, that becomes more and more evident in the parents’ associations, in the resistance of Greeks, despite the climate of terror that has been created with threats of illegal criminal proceedings and with the action of “solidaire” raid guilds.
Nikolaos Michaloliakos referred extensively to the problem of the Turkish threats, deriving from Erdogan’s statements about the Treaty of Lausanne, where he noted the role of Eleftherios Venizelos –since this Treaty constitutes a defeat for Greece, and equally, the role of the “major powers”, concerning the conclusion of this agreement.
He then enumerated the actions-crimes of turkey, who violated this specific Treaty. Crimes, like those of the ethnic cleansing, the exterminations and the massacres against the Hellenism.
Returning to the publication of the newspaper “Golden Dawn”, where he played a fundamental role, the Leader of Golden Dawn focused on the struggles of this newspaper, given the fact that it has never been advertised or subsidized, but it is SOLELY the result of the Faith of the Comrades of Golden Dawn for the Fight and their Will for Victory. It was the result of the Courage of all the Contributors-Comrades towards the constraints, the sacrifices and the polemic of this system, starting with the first mendacities at 1993, until today. From the issue of this newspaper, the first assemblage at Imia, until the entry in the Greek parliament, our Comrades remained irrevocably loyal to the Ideals of Hellenism.
Afterwards, the Leader emphasized on the political fight of Golden Dawn, from the creation of the newspaper, until the Congress of Golden Dawn, the arrival in the Greek Parliament and the articles of page 24, written in the detention centers of the Counter-Terrorism Department and in Korydallos prison. It is about a fight reflected in the history of the newspaper “Golden Dawn”, which contains all the political positions of Golden Dawn that have been confirmed over time. From the arrival of IMF, that has been predicted by the Leader of Golden Dawn with an article, published in 2003, until the arrival of illegal immigrants.
The rigorous anniversary event ended with all the attendants chanting the national Anthem and the Hymn of Golden Dawn.
Steve Giatzoglou, the star of Greek sports, who honored the Nation with the national basketball team, was also present in the anniversary event!

Arrival of the Leader of Golden Dawn

1000 issues of the newspaper “Golden Dawn”-23 years of National Resistance


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