Visit of the Leader of Golden Dawn N. G. Michaloliakos to the Venerable Metropolitan of Thessalonica Anthimos

28/03/2017 18:03

Following the grand assemblage for the anniversary of the National Revolution of 25th of March, the Leader of Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos, attended Metropolis, where he met the Venerable Metropolitan of Thessalonica, Anthimos.


The meeting took place in a warn ambiance, where important matters of the actuality were discussed and especially the issues regarding Orthodoxy and the fierce polemics from the anti-Greek state of the left side.


The Leader of Golden Dawn referred to the steady position of the movement, which is the protection of Orthodoxy and the annihilation of the issues that lead to gradual islamization of our homeland and specified that this is the reason why he recently voted in the Parliament against the legislation for the building of an Islamic mosque in Votanikos, a legislation voted by the political cohabitation and the opposition.


Especially in the current times, where our Homeland is deluged by hundreds of illegal immigrants, the application of the positions of Golden Dawn remains major and imperative, given the fact that while the state of “solidaires” denounces every form of extremities, he closes the eyes towards the religious fanaticism of the imported muslims.


Golden Dawn fights for the Homeland and Orthodoxy and remains steadily against everything leading to the deconstruction of the eternal values of Hellenism and this is the reason why Golden Dawn constitutes the only power of resistance towards the hurricane memoranda and globalization.



