A.P.F. against Turkey
03/12/2015 22:23

"The shooting down of a Russian Jet this morning is to be considered as another clear declaration by Turkey of its intent to support Islamic States ".
This is how Roberto Fiore, national secretary of Forza Nuova (IT) and President of the Alliance For Peace And Freedom, comment on the recent actions taken by Turkey.
Roberto Fiore continues : " If Italy and Europe want really fighting back and defeat once for all ISIS it is very important that Turkey will be written off from Nato and all other international organisation. It has no sense to approach a war like this having allies who are shooting to you."
"Turkey is also buying oil at discounted price from ISIS, killing Kurdish with the support of Americans, helped thousands of immigrants moving across Europe by providing them with fake Syrian passports.
Turkey is to be considered an enemy of democracy and freedom.
Fiore and his European colleagues of Alliance For Peace And Freedom will hold a press conference named "Turkey allied with ISIS" next 30th of November in Brussels.