Thousands of Nationalists in Thessaloniki against the antinational Memoranda and the illegal immigration - Photos
20/09/2016 21:18
The hall of a central hotel in Thessalonica was overcrowded, since thousands of Nationalists vowed a resonant NO against the antinational Memoranda and the uncontrollable illegal immigration.
Comrade Artemis Mathaiopoulos made the first speech, where he noted that during the Press conference in DETH it was proved once more that Golden Dawn has a program, political positions and the solutions to all the major issues of our Homeland. Regarding Kyriakos Mitsotakis, who gave false promises, he cited that Mr. Mitsotakis has probably forgotten that he voted for all the Memorandum legislations, as well as those about the reception of illegal immigrants.
The MEP of Golden Dawn, General Georgios Epitideios stated that even though there are those who try to convince us that everything is fine in this country, soon Greeks will revolt and declare their refusal, in order to take our Homeland back.
The MEP of Golden Dawn, General Eleftherios Synadinos, commenting about the popularity and the nationalistic ambiance of this event in the heart of Macedonia, recalled the words of Ion Dragoumis: “Salvation will rise from within!”
The MEP of Golden Dawn, Lambros Fountoulis stressed that Greek People have nothing to fear and that the only force assuring the liberation from this decayed system is Golden Dawn.
The MP elected in Chalcidice, Sotiria Vlahou noted that this, adhered to Memoranda, government is interested for the meals, the accommodation, the health and the education of the illegal immigrants, but is completely indifferent for the Greeks.
The MP elected in Pella, Giannis Sahinidis made it clear that the corrupted media try to silence our voice, because they cannot make arguments against Golden Dawn.
The MP elected in Kilkis, Christos Chatzisavvas declared that this anti-Greek government ought to resign as soon as possible, since she leads to devastation of the country!
The MP elected in Piraeus, Giannis Lagos stated that after three years of “forced absence” from Thessalonica, because of the illegal persecutions, we did not kneeled down. On the contrary, we remain unsubdued and we continue the Fight to make Greek proud once again. He also analyzed the political positions of Golden Dawn concerning the primary production, the employment and the illegal immigration.
The crowed with thousands of Nationalists hall literally trembled with the speech of the Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos. The Leader of Golden Dawn emphasized on the fact that three years of illegal persecutions hardened the Nationalistic Movement and that following the 1st of November 2013, when Giorgos Fountoulis and Manolis Kapelonis were cowardly assassinated by the leftist parastatals, nothing remains the same.
He stated that the NO of the Greek Nationalists is also a denial against the Memoranda and the illegal immigration. He mentioned the reemerging of infectious and contagious diseases, due to the uncontrollable invasion of hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants in our country, noting that solely Golden Dawn will resist to the suspicious business of Syriza and the “solidarity” NGOs of George Soros. He also notified the ridiculous and inexistent accusations, which built the filthy conspiracy against Golden Dawn.
Comrade Nikolaos Michaloliakos repeated the words, who were omitted during the broadcasting of the Press conference in ERT: “Golden Dawn remains steadily the third political party. For 40 years SYRIZA held a rate of 4%. I can assure you that we won’t remain for 40 years around 10%. Soon, we will grow even stronger!’
He exposed the lies outspoken by the political crooks in the last Thessaloniki International Fair-Trades, like Samaras, Tsipras and Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Greeks need a radical overturn, and this can only happen with Golden Dawn on the lead.
Finally, he made it clear that ND and Syriza, who basically follow the same orders of the international loan sharks, will be forced to share the power and the third place will be occupied by the genuine voice of National Resistance, Golden Dawn!
The event ended with everyone chanting the National Anthem and the Hymn of Golden Dawn.
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The hall of a central hotel in Thessalonica was overcrowded, since thousands of Nationalists vowed a resonant NO against the antinational Memoranda and the uncontrollable illegal immigration.