Albanians Destroy Orthodox Church in North Epirus.
28/08/2015 15:59

Yesterday in Northern Epirus, the Albanian government demolished an Orthodox church in the village of Dhermi. The Albanians arrogantly carried this out while the impotent government in Greece “filed a complaint” with the international community. The previous Samaras Government enabled the Albanians further, helping to decrease the Greek population in ancestral Northern Epirus and this is the result.
As expected the so called “conservative” “patriotic” Greeks who supported parties like Independent Greeks and New Democracy do absolutely nothing, both in Greece and in the Diaspora.

Golden Dawn MP Christos Pappas made the following statement on the real solution to this problem of Albanian aggression:
“The only correct answer of national foreign policy is the direct application of the Protocol of Corfu offering autonomy to Northern Epirus as a first step in liberation and integration into the Fatherland.”