APF supports the Greek Nationalists of E.LA.M. in Cyprus
08/10/2015 21:41
Roberto Fiore General Secretary of the Italian Forza Nuova (FN) and President of the Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF) supports Cyprus!
The next parliamentary elections in Cyprus will be held in May 2016. According to the latest polls, our friends from the nationalist party ELAM (National Peoples Front) have a very good chance of winning their first seats in the Cypriot Parliament in Nicosia.

Nick Griffin defends Cyprus.
We have therefore launched a campaign to support them. For a minimum of 15.00 euros (included) Postage, we have the T-shirt "Defend Cyprus stop the Turkish Occupation". We have already sent our friends in ELAM shirts of these as a donation and all profit from the sale of T-shirts will be passed on to their Election Fund!
For orders please contact quoting the size (M, L, XL, XXL):