British news magazine "The Week": Golden Dawn will govern Greece!

03/10/2016 18:05

“Golden Dawn will govern Greece” according to the valid and internationally recognized “The Week”

People’s Association-Golden Dawn will be the first political force at the next elections! The worldwide recognized magazine “The Week” shares this realistic estimation. This fact is extremely significant, since this opinion derives from a liberal perspective. A meticulous reading of this magazine’s texts leads to the assumption that it could not be characterized as a conservative source of information. 


In his recent article, published at the 29th September 2016, the national correspondent Ryan Cooper explained the reasons why the possibility of Golden Dawn prevailing in the next elections is more than realistic. 


The main idea of this article is summarized in the notion that all the political parties except for Golden Dawn have been corrupted by the inducements of European Union, or more simply of the German government. The outcome of these bribes is that all the parties which constitute the so called “constitutional wing” have lost their political identity and no longer stand for the interests of the Greek voter. They are nothing more than enterprises whose main objective consists in the accumulation of wealth in any possible way.


SYRIZA -who is basically formed with PASOK under the direction of Tsipras, an ignorant, crude and uneducated anarchist- while at first embodied the image of the defender of the people, he soon revealed his real left and far left ideological identity, kneeled down and finally succumbed to the formidably devastating for the Greeks aspirations of the foreigners. The current New Democracy does not present even a single similarity with her former conservative political orientation. The recent declarations of the current director Kyriakos Mitsotakis, concerning his admirations about the straggle of the leftists, brought fear and anxiety to Greeks.


Today's New Democracy has clearly lost her ideological orientation regarding the Education, the Religion and the Family in Greece. It is obviously about a company, who focuses on the augmentation of her riches, by any means, even with loans where the government grant for the political parties is used as guarantee. It is surprising the fact that there are still surveys who indicate in the first place New Democracy, as if the main concern of the average Greek citizen is the pauperization with New Democracy in governance, instead of another left party.


The system’s scheme, in order to be able to cover his noxious aspirations for the future of the Greeks, was based in the creation of small insignificant political parties, supporting the proper left or right ideological identity, depending on their target groups. Therefore, LAOS and Independent Greeks (ANEL) emerged in order to correspond to the needs of those dissatisfied by New Democracy. LAOS contributed to the voting of the first Memoranda, while the first-class members of this party were later absorbed by ND (Makis Voridis, Adonis Georgiadis and Thanos Plevris, son of Konstantinos Plevris). As for the…Dependent Greeks, they did voted for the third memorandum, even though their director Panos Kammenos was declaring his resignation, in case of a new memorandum, or the increase of VAT (Value Added Tax) in the island territory.


Evenly, the Ecologists Greens, Potami and the Union of Centrists were formed for those who have been dissatisfied by the left wing. The Ecologists Greens are currently under the wing of SYRIZA, they occupy two seats in the Parliament and have already voted for all the privatizations, on which they were initially radically opposed. Potami is merely present, since his ideological vacuity has become evident, while the Union of Centrists has recently exposed the strong alliance with the policy of SYRIZA.


People’s Association-Golden Dawn constitutes the only Ideological Movement which clearly represents Greek People with sincere faith to Nationalism. Loyal to his ideological principles, the Popular Nationalistic Movement of “GOLDEN DAWN” rests in the front of the fight against the antinational memoranda, the demographic distortion, the millions of illegal immigrants and the devastation of the Greek society that has been constantly incited by the parties of corruption and the left parties. 


“PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION-GOLDEN DAWN” offers a national political solution towards the crisis in our Homeland, emphasizing on the development of the national production, the meritocracy and the social justice. 


Golden Dawn fights sincerely for a Greece that belongs to Greeks! Well, this notion is now being recognized overtly by the international community!









People’s Association-Golden Dawn will be the first political force at the next elections! The worldwide recognized magazine “The Week” shares this realistic estimation. This fact is extremely significant, since this opinion derives from a liberal perspective. A meticulous reading of this magazine’s texts leads to the assumption that it could not be characterized as a conservative source of information. 
In his recent article, published at the 29th September 2016, the national correspondent Ryan Cooper explained the reasons why the possibility of Golden Dawn prevailing in the next elections is more than realistic. 
The main idea of this article is summarized in the notion that all the political parties except for Golden Dawn have been corrupted by the inducements of European Union, or more simply of the German government. The outcome of these bribes is that all the parties which constitute the so called “constitutional wing” have lost their political identity and no longer stand for the interests of the Greek voter. They are nothing more than enterprises whose main objective consists in the accumulation of wealth in any possible way.
SYRIZA -who is basically formed with PASOK under the direction of Tsipras, an ignorant, crude and uneducated anarchist- while at first embodied the image of the defender of the people, he soon revealed his real left and far left ideological identity, kneeled down and finally succumbed to the formidably devastating for the Greeks aspirations of the foreigners. The current New Democracy does not present even a single similarity with her former conservative political orientation. The recent declarations of the current director Kyriakos Mitsotakis, concerning his admirations about the straggle of the leftists, brought fear and anxiety to Greeks.
The contemporary New Democracy has clearly lost her ideological orientation regarding the Education, the Religion and the Family in Greece. It is obviously about a company, who focuses on the augmentation of her riches, by any means, even with loans where the government grant for the political parties is used as guarantee. It is surprising the fact that there are still surveys who indicate in the first place New Democracy, as if the main concern of the average Greek citizen is the pauperization with New Democracy in governance, instead of another left party.
The system’s scheme, in order to be able to cover his noxious aspirations for the future of the Greeks, was based in the creation of small insignificant political parties, supporting the proper left or right ideological identity, depending on their target groups. Therefore, LAOS and Independent Greeks (ANEL) emerged in order to correspond to the needs of those dissatisfied by New Democracy. LAOS contributed to the voting of the first Memoranda, while the first-class members of this party were later absorbed by ND (Makis Voridis, Adonis Georgiadis and Thanos Plevris, son of Konstantinos Plevris). As for the…Dependent Greeks, they did voted for the third memorandum, even though their director Panos Kammenos was declaring his resignation, in case of a new memorandum, or the increase of VAT (Value Added Tax) in the island territory.
Evenly, the Ecologists Greens, Potami and the Union of Centrists were formed for those who have been dissatisfied by the left wing. The Ecologists Greens are currently under the wing of SYRIZA, they occupy two seats in the Parliament and have already voted for all the privatizations, on which they were initially radically opposed. Potami is merely present, since his ideological vacuity has become evident, while the Union of Centrists has recently exposed the strong alliance with the policy of SYRIZA.
People’s Association-Golden Dawn constitutes the only Ideological Movement which clearly represents Greek People with sincere faith to Nationalism. Loyal to his ideological principles, the Popular Nationalistic Movement of “GOLDEN DAWN” rests in the front of the fight against the antinational memoranda, the demographic distortion, the millions of illegal immigrants and the devastation of the Greek society that has been constantly incited by the parties of corruption and the left parties. 
“PEOPLE’S ASSOCIATION-GOLDEN DAWN” offers a national political solution towards the crisis in our Homeland, emphasizing on the development of the national production, the meritocracy and the social justice. 
Golden Dawn fights sincerely for a Greece that belongs to Greeks! Well, this notion is now being recognized overtly by the international community!