Commemorative Event for the European Nationalist Dominique Venner by Golden Dawn - Photos/Videos
22/05/2016 17:56
Hundreds Nationalists attended on 21th of May the simple Memorial ceremony held by the Golden Dawn in the center of Athens, near the local offices, in honor of the French Νationalist Dominique Venner, who ended his life, the same day of 2013, in order to awaken dormant consciences, as mentioned in his last note.
The event began with a poem written by Comrades of the Youth Front, in honor of the great French thinker of Nationalism.
Then the floor took the Secretary General of the Golden Dawn, who paralleled the act of Dominique Venner with some words of the great Greek poet K. Karyotakis.
Dominique Venner died of disgust, as he noted himself, the same disgust that causes the bill, brought to Parliament the anti-Greek government,
which states that the archaeological sites and Greek islands will be under the jurisdiction of the a foreign Fund.
Then Comrade Evangelos Karakostas took the podium, he reported extensively the works and the life of the great thinker and activist.
Comrade Lazaros Theodorakakis, read out the message of the friend of Dominique Venner, Alain De Benoist, who was also a great thinker, which was written after Dominique's death.
Then Comrade Katerina Michalarou referred the social and human aspects of Venner's life.
Finally Comrade and director of the national newspaper "Empros"("Forward") Eirene Dimopoulou tokk the floor speaking in the Venner's language send a message about the life and teaching of the French Nationalist.
The event closed with the K. Palama's verse of the Akritas and Charon, the French National Anthem in honor of the deceased, the Greek National Anthem and the Anthem of the Movement of Greek Nationalists.