Danger of Syria’s Greek Orthodox community is raised by Golden Dawn - Video

25/01/2016 16:46

Danger of Syria’s Greek Orthodox community is raised by Golden Dawn

During the weekly webTV broadcast of Golden Dawn the party's spokesman Ilias Kasidiaris, talked about the Genocide against the Greek Orthodox minority that is taking place in Syria.
This is not the first time the Golden Dawn party has spoken about the plight of Antiochian-Greeks. The MEP Georgios Epitideios has also raised the question of an Antiochian-Greek Genocide inside the EU parliament last year. 
Mr. Kasidiaris reveals that the Syrian government is the only force protecting Syria’s Christian Greek Orthodox minority from extermination by the ISIS and other extremist groups. He then goes on to question why the Greek government cut all diplomatic ties with Syria. Special mention is made to Operation Antioch, a grassroots movement that aims to not only preserve, but also revive Hellenism in Syria. The Golden Dawn spokesperson goes on to question why they receive no support.
With the hope that Golden Dawn as major political party in Greece has raised awareness to the plight of the Greek Orthodox minority in Syria, it remains hopeful that the Greek goverment will also do its duty and will finally engage in protecting this Syrian community.

See also: Revival of Greek Identity in Syria: Interview with Operation Antioch