‘Far right Wing’ Coalition leader greeted with eggs on the Island of Kos
23/08/2015 16:28
Back in 2012, the break-away Independent Greeks movement split from the centre Right New Democracy party to form a Nationalistic voting alternative for conservative Greeks. The timing for this was rather convenient, as it happened at the same time Golden Dawn took nearly 7% of mostly New Democracy’s voters. In a sense, the Independent Greeks (also known by the Greek acronym ANEL) was a Kosher approved alternative for Greeks who had lost confidence in New Democracy, and wanted a strong right wing party without going to what the media slandered as ‘Fascist Golden Dawn’.
In order to steal the Nationalist vote, Independent Greeks defined itself as right wing populist, anti-memorandum, anti-immigrant, and a return to the Greek Orthodox education system. Panos Kommenos, the leader of the party was often described as the ‘far-right’ by the media, which offered the hard stance approach that many Greeks where looking for at the time.
The true face of the Independent Greeks came to light this year, when they formed a coalition government with Radical-Left Syriza, on the common goal of fighting the 3rd memorandum. Kommenos was elevated to Defence Minister, and during his time as Tsipra’s junior coalition partner, we saw all but 4 of our 13 military training centres closed down, as well citizenship being offered for the first time to non-ethnic Greeks, and the approval of a grand mosque in Athens. All this has been done in the short period of only 8 months, as The Independent Greeks did nothing to stop the liberal/multicultural take over our country. The real stab in the back to patriotic Greek voters was the approval of the 3rd memorandum, one of Kommeno’s main ideological principles.
Having all but betrayed his homeland, the Independent Greeks revealed itself to be nothing but a hard-line Marxist supporting pillar of the system, in a bid to turn Greece into anything but Greek.
Today, many frustrated Greeks got a chance to speak to Mr Kommenos during his visit to the island of Kos. Having being completely overrun by illegal immigrants, the locals wanted a chance to say thank you to the so called ‘far right’ hard-line defence minister, who seems to have no issues letting tens of thousands people smuggle themselves into Greece on make shift boat.
For those that don’t know Greek, besides the obvious obscenities hurled at Kommenos in the above video, we can also hear the word TRAITOR being one of the most common used to greet him. The people are now fed up with fake politicians and their pre-election lies, and it is only a matter of time before they realise which is the true anti-systemic party that stands with the people.
From: goldendawnaus.blogspot.com.au