February 22 of 1821: Passing through river Prut! - Article by N. G. Michaloliakos

24/02/2017 16:55

February 22 of 1821: Passing through river Prut! Article of N. G. Michaloliakos

February 22 of the year 2017, Wednesday, the day of the launch of our newspaper, of the popular nationalistic newspaper “GOLDEN DAWN” and more specifically of the issue with serial number 1021, so I ought to write a text for everything that happens in the public sphere of the country. Minor and insignificant matters about the…evaluation, the memoranda, the conflict for the power, the elections, which according to some are going to happen in two months and according to others in two years! I sincerely wonder if the historian of the future, 100 years after, would inspect, writing even a line, everything that took place and still takes place in Greece during February of 2017.
So, I decided to write in this issue about another 22nd of February, the 22nd of February 1821, this glorious day, the beginning of a great revolution, the day in which prince Alexandros Ypsilantis passed through river Prut declared the Revolution of the Nation!
The flag in three colors of Filiki Eteria
It was the 22nd of February, when the flag in three colors of Filiki Eteria (Society of Friends) waved in Moldovlachia and the revolution was declared. A flag for which we learn: 
“Article VI. The Greek Flag not only on the territorial military but also on the navy, ought to be fabricated in three colors: white, black and red. The white signifies the innocence of our rightful operation against the tyrants, the black signifies our death for the grace of our homeland and our freedom and the red signifies the sovereignty of the Greek People and his joy, since he fights for the resurrection of the homeland.”
At February 24 of 1821, Alexandros Ypsilantis declares the Revolution in the Greek military camp at Iasi and states among other things the following: 
“Fight for faith and homeland, February 24 of 1821: The time has come Greek Men!... The Homeland aspires to reward the obedient and genuine children with the prizes of glory and honor; while the disobedient and deaf in this current challenge, she shall renounce them as spurious and Asian sperms and she shall deliver their names, the names of traitors, to the anathema and the curses of the successors… So let us call again, valiant and magnanimous Greeks, the liberty in the classic land of Greece! Let us declare the battle in Marathon and at Thermopylae! Let us fight upon the graves of our fathers, who in order to keep us free, fought and died there!...To the arms my friends, our Homeland calls upon us!
Alexandros Ypsilantis”
From Prut to Dragatsani
Seven whole months longed the Revolution in Molovlachia with the epic “final” of the sacrifice of the Sacred Band at Dragatsani at June of 1821. In the end of the battle, 37 warriors were arrested by the Turks which were transported Bucharest and then Constantinople, where they were beheaded. No one talks about them, their names remain unknown, except for few! In these times of oblivion, the state of the slaves chooses to honor others, so the traitors became heroes and the Heroes traitors, or in the best scenario buried in the oblivion of an antinational state that hates the History
Alexandros Ypsilantis, beaten, recurs in Austria, where he is imprisoned in a humid cell and as a result his health begins to faint. He leaves the prison at November 24 of 1827 and only after two months he dies in Vienna at January 31 of 1828. Few hours before his death he asks from his brother to embalm and ship his heart to Greece. 
Initially the Hero was buried in the cemetery of Saint Marcus in Vienna and later at 1903 his bones are transferred at the castle Ypsilanti-Sina at Austria. Only at…1964 (!) his bones were transferred in the Church of Saint Brigade, at Pedion Areos in Athens, where currently immigrants have been installed and the drug dealers sell the death to Greek children. 
We are at 1894, when the old Priest from Mani, Nikolaos Mourtzinos, of the Church of the Amalia Orphanage, founded by Maria Ypsilanti, suddenly gets sick. His place is taken by the Archbishop Kriezis, who finds in the sacred place of the Church a locked drawer, which he breaks and finds inside two cases. The one is gold with the initials “D.Y.” and the other is made of white metal with the inscription “Alexandros Ypsilantis 1821”. They urged to the sick Priest in order to find out the contents of these cases. The old man Mourtzinos is sad because of the reveal of the secret of Maria Ypsilanti. 
The incident becomes known and the government demand the hearts of the two heroes, Alexandros and Demetrius Ypsilantis to be transferred to the Ethnological Museum, but the family Ypsilantis is opposed!
Today, these two cases, with the great and unbowed hearts of the Princes of the revolution of our Nation are in the Sacred Temple of Brigades at Stisihoros street, at…Kolonaki, in the neighborhood where the elite of the fake Greeks and the subordinates reigns! 
Every one of us corresponds to a river Prut
February 22 of 2017 and our mind travels in that 22nd of February 1821, when the Hero Alexandros Ypsilantis passed through river Prut, wearing the black uniform with the skull. When he commenced his fiery fight for the freedom of Greeks. An honored Hero in the battle of Dresden at 1813, the lieutenant of the Tsar, who left the glory and the grandeur, in order to fight for Greece! He had taken this resolution in Saint Petersburg, At April 12 of 1820, when he vowed in the presence of Emmanuel Xanthos and became the Leader of Filiki Eteria.
He undertook his duties with passion, faith and a spirit of sacrifice and he died forgotten at January 31 of 1828 at Vienna and it took 136 years from his death, in order for his bones to be transferred in Greece! In Greece or this fake state, because what matters the most is that the state that was founded by the blood of the fighters of 1821 from Moldovlachia to Crete and Cyprus, became at last a hideous protectorate which is continued till this day. 
February 22 of 1821-February 22 of 2017 and every one of us corresponds to a river Prut. “Those alive” shall pass through him, the rest let them rot in slavery and humiliation. “Those alive” stand up and “let the dead bury their dead selves”. 
Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn
February 22 of the year 2017, Wednesday, the day of the launch of our newspaper, of the popular nationalistic newspaper “GOLDEN DAWN” and more specifically of the issue with serial number 1021, so I ought to write a text for everything that happens in the public sphere of the country. Minor and insignificant matters about the…evaluation, the memoranda, the conflict for the power, the elections, which according to some are going to happen in two months and according to others in two years! I sincerely wonder if the historian of the future, 100 years after, would inspect, writing even a line, everything that took place and still takes place in Greece during February of 2017.
So, I decided to write in this issue about another 22nd of February, the 22nd of February 1821, this glorious day, the beginning of a great revolution, the day in which prince Alexandros Ypsilantis passed through river Prut declared the Revolution of the Nation!
The flag in three colors of Filiki Eteria
It was the 22nd of February, when the flag in three colors of Filiki Eteria (Society of Friends) waved in Moldovlachia and the revolution was declared. A flag for which we learn: 
“Article VI. The Greek Flag not only on the territorial military but also on the navy, ought to be fabricated in three colors: white, black and red. The white signifies the innocence of our rightful operation against the tyrants, the black signifies our death for the grace of our homeland and our freedom and the red signifies the sovereignty of the Greek People and his joy, since he fights for the resurrection of the homeland.”
At February 24 of 1821, Alexandros Ypsilantis declares the Revolution in the Greek military camp at Iasi and states among other things the following: 
“Fight for faith and homeland, February 24 of 1821: The time has come Greek Men!... The Homeland aspires to reward the obedient and genuine children with the prizes of glory and honor; while the disobedient and deaf in this current challenge, she shall renounce them as spurious and Asian sperms and she shall deliver their names, the names of traitors, to the anathema and the curses of the successors… So let us call again, valiant and magnanimous Greeks, the liberty in the classic land of Greece! Let us declare the battle in Marathon and at Thermopylae! Let us fight upon the graves of our fathers, who in order to keep us free, fought and died there!...To the arms my friends, our Homeland calls upon us!
Alexandros Ypsilantis”
From Prut to Dragatsani
Seven whole months longed the Revolution in Molovlachia with the epic “final” of the sacrifice of the Sacred Band at Dragatsani at June of 1821. In the end of the battle, 37 warriors were arrested by the Turks which were transported Bucharest and then Constantinople, where they were beheaded. No one talks about them, their names remain unknown, except for few! In these times of oblivion, the state of the slaves chooses to honor others, so the traitors became heroes and the Heroes traitors, or in the best scenario buried in the oblivion of an antinational state that hates the History.
Alexandros Ypsilantis, beaten, recurs in Austria, where he is imprisoned in a humid cell and as a result his health begins to faint. He leaves the prison at November 24 of 1827 and only after two months he dies in Vienna at January 31 of 1828. Few hours before his death he asks from his brother to embalm and ship his heart to Greece. 
Initially the Hero was buried in the cemetery of Saint Marcus in Vienna and later at 1903 his bones are transferred at the castle Ypsilanti-Sina at Austria. Only at…1964 (!) his bones were transferred in the Church of Saint Brigade, at Pedion Areos in Athens, where currently immigrants have been installed and the drug dealers sell the death to Greek children. 
We are at 1894, when the old Priest from Mani, Nikolaos Mourtzinos, of the Church of the Amalia Orphanage, founded by Maria Ypsilanti, suddenly gets sick. His place is taken by the Archbishop Kriezis, who finds in the sacred place of the Church a locked drawer, which he breaks and finds inside two cases. The one is gold with the initials “D.Y.” and the other is made of white metal with the inscription “Alexandros Ypsilantis 1821”. They urged to the sick Priest in order to find out the contents of these cases. The old man Mourtzinos is sad because of the reveal of the secret of Maria Ypsilanti. 
The incident becomes known and the government demand the hearts of the two heroes, Alexandros and Demetrius Ypsilantis to be transferred to the Ethnological Museum, but the family Ypsilantis is opposed!
Today, these two cases, with the great and unbowed hearts of the Princes of the revolution of our Nation are in the Sacred Temple of Brigades at Stisihoros street, at…Kolonaki, in the neighborhood where the elite of the fake Greeks and the subordinates reigns! 
Every one of us corresponds to a river Prut
February 22 of 2017 and our mind travels in that 22nd of February 1821, when the Hero Alexandros Ypsilantis passed through river Prut, wearing the black uniform with the skull. When he commenced his fiery fight for the freedom of Greeks. An honored Hero in the battle of Dresden at 1813, the lieutenant of the Tsar, who left the glory and the grandeur, in order to fight for Greece! He had taken this resolution in Saint Petersburg, At April 12 of 1820, when he vowed in the presence of Emmanuel Xanthos and became the Leader of Filiki Eteria.
He undertook his duties with passion, faith and a spirit of sacrifice and he died forgotten at January 31 of 1828 at Vienna and it took 136 years from his death, in order for his bones to be transferred in Greece! In Greece or this fake state, because what matters the most is that the state that was founded by the blood of the fighters of 1821 from Moldovlachia to Crete and Cyprus, became at last a hideous protectorate which is continued till this day. 
February 22 of 1821-February 22 of 2017 and every one of us corresponds to a river Prut. “Those alive” shall pass through him, the rest let them rot in slavery and humiliation. “Those alive” stand up and “let the dead bury their dead selves”. 
Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn
From: xryshaygh.com