Golden Dawn MEP Lampros Fountoulis: The failed austerity policy continues to be implemented - Video
The Golden Dawn’s MEP, Lampros Fountoulis talked on the meeting of the Employment Committee of the European Parliament, during the debate on the introduction of a single guaranteed income. Having requested the immediate establishment of a guaranteed minimum income, he pointed out that in any case the immediate termination of the austerity policy is required.
Following is the full text of the intervention:
We are talking about the minimum guaranteed income. Someone said that the translation is wrong and in Greek is referred as minimum wage. The difference between salary and income is that we are talking about an income that will have a form of a welfare allowance.
In Greece there are 1.5 million unemployed and the most of them, they do not receive unemployment benefits and are not even mentioned in the unemployment lists.
Thousands of families are fed from meals that the church gives.
But the minimum income is a social tool that the European Union does not take into account with the form that it has today. Countries like Germany accumulate wealth, while requiring memoranda on weaker countries, and they are indifferent for the survival of thousands of unemployed people.
Unfortunately it finds allies governments that succumb to their requirements and they do not standing up to support the weak social groups in their countries. The failed prescription of austerity continues to be applied in Greece and the southern countries and the only thing feared by the European Union is the strengthen of other voices supporting a national policy that will protect the interests of the people and not the interests of the strong of Europe, who have unleashed an economic war against the weak economic states.
So support of the economically weak Europeans, but the best it would be the combat of unemployment and the creation of jobs that will give to the citizens the possibility to work and live decently.