Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris: National Currency and National Production are the solution for the Greek economy - Video

04/02/2017 17:13

The spokesperson of Golden Dawn responded from the peristyle of Parliament concerning the Xydakis statement about the drachma (which the parliamentary spokesman of SYRIZA retracted shortly thereafter):


“The national currency is the solution in parallel with the turn to national production for the survival of the Greek economy, but no memorandum backing government, which receive orders from foreign usurers, are going to take this step.”








The spokesperson of Golden Dawn responded from the peristyle of Parliament concerning the Xydakis statement about the drachma (which the parliamentary spokesman of SYRIZA retracted shortly thereafter):
“The national currency is the solution in parallel with the turn to national production for the survival of the Greek economy, but no memorandum backing government, which receive orders from foreign usurers, are going to take this step.”