Golden Dawn Piraeus - Biker campaign tour [Video-Photoreport]
08/06/2015 15:17

This week, Golden Dawn Piraeus achieved great success with their motorised unit on the nearby island of Salamis. The comrades started their tour from the Island centre, making their way through the main southern beach at Koulouris, and all the way up to the western region of Saint Nicholas.
During the tour, Golden Dawn members distributed nationalist leaflets in the two commercial & entertainment districts, raising awareness to locals, tourists, workers, and small business owners about the illegal persecution against the Nationalists. In the video below, you can see the Piraeus crew touring the island, chanting 'Blood, honor, Golden Dawn'

The Golden Dawn maintains itself as the only political party that isn’t afraid to talk to real members of the community on the streets. Unlike the Marxist lemmings that only show their faces in the controlled leftist university campuses, and the ‘conservatives’ which fraternize with the business elite at industry events and board meetings, Nationalists maintain a real presence in the community.
While Syriza bends backwards to the benefit of the international loan sharks, the Nationalists of Golden Dawn hold high the banners of our fatherland, demonstrating that we Will never bend to terrorism, and that Greece will always belongs to Greeks. The ongoing show trial, and imprisonment of our members has not deterred our movement, which continues to fight for a free Greece.