Greek Media Forced to Admit Golden Dawn Rising in Polls
23/08/2015 16:33

Article by George of Golden Dawn New York Division
Since the upcoming elections have been announced, the media in Greece, which used to report Golden Dawn in the polls as being “declining” at 2 or 3% has now not only had to admit that it’s past polling projections were fake, but also that the Golden Dawn is going to get even more votes then ever before in the new elections.
Terror and panic has spread throughout the Greek political establishment.
The degenerates,theives and traitors of Greek political life are running out of cards to play and now the “Radical Leftist” SYRIZA party has given birth to another “media darling” leftist alternative called the “left platform” or “Popular Union”. headed by another rich leftist Panagiotis Lafazanis.

Panagiotis Lafazanis - Leader of the new "left platform"
On the surface this is supposed to be the “honest former syriza members” who were “brave enough” to oppose the memorandum, however during months of negotiations prior, none of these former SYRIZA members opposed the memorandum, in fact they even voted yes to all the preliminary drafts of it. It was only during the final stage they decided to jump ship in order to try to save their political careers for the future.
While the success of this party will never reach the level of SYRIZA last January, the intent is to salvage some of the voters and keep them believing in the promises of the “radical left” so that the only true anti-memorandum force GOLDEN DAWN does not climb further.