Ιllegal immigrants turned the buses into stables! Do not call them "animals"... you will be prosecuted according to the anti-racism law!

12/12/2015 14:50

Σε σταύλους μετέτρεψαν τα λεωφορεία οι λαθρομετανάστες! Μην τους πείτε “ζώα”... θα διωχθείτε απ’ τον αντιρατσιστικό νόμο! ΒΙΝΤΕΟ

''This is what they left behind them after a 5 hours trip the precious "refugees" of the New World Order...
These people don't respect anything, they have absolutely no sense of gratitude or civilized behavior and they act more like savage conquers than frighten and chased people....
That's the typical Muslim behavior that hasn't changes since their first Jihad when they come out of their deserts to conquer and "teach" the people their Koran. This isn't a customary behavior in their countries, they act like that due to a complex of superiority they bizarrely have against the non-Muslims and this behavior is a spike against their "sheltering countries".
Keep in mind one thing, Muslims don't want to learn anything, they want to teach, conquer and dictate to the rest of the world how to become a Muslim, that's the mentality that made their countries shitholes....''


English subtitles available