Lampros Fountoulis: They’re covering for the murderers of my child!
31/10/2015 16:25
Tomorrow marks the 2 year Anniversary of the political murder of our brothers Giorgos Fountoulis and Manos Kapelonis. The murderers have not been found..
Lampros Fountoulis, father of our immortal comrade Giorgos Fountoulis, after delivering his protest declaration to GADA* for the termination of the investigation to identify the cowardly murderers, made the following statement:
“Two years have passed since the cowardly murder of my son, Giorgos Fountoulis, and his friend Manos Kapelonis, and the very serious injury of Alexandros Gerontas. Sadly, for two years now, we’re in the dark. We’ve not been kept updated by the police, by the authorities on what’s going on with the case. I’ve come with an attorney, I’ve requested to see the file so I can see where the investigation is going. Although they said they would give us information, we’ve come here for nothing. They gave us nothing!
My wife repeatedly calls and says “we want an update”. They tell her “the police chief will call you”, no update. I believe the police are stalling, I don’t know for what reasons. The instigators, for me, are known. It’s the political system, because this was a political murder, the like of which has never occurred before in Greece
We have delivered a letter of protest, and ask that they to do everything possible to find the murderers. Even if the kids were dogs, they would have found their murderers. But unfortunately, some are covering for them and don’t care.
Thank you and I wish what happened to us doesn’t happen to another parent.”
*GADA = General Police Division of Attica
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