Leader of Golden Dawn Nikolaos Michaloliakos: Voting rights for the Greek expatriates - VIDEO

25/03/2017 18:03

A firm demand of the Popular Association - Golden Dawn, but also Greek society in her entirety is the granting of voting rights to the Greeks expatriates.

It’s an inalienable right of the Greek diaspora, but also those who left Greece because of the ethnocidal memorandums, to be able to decide on the future of the Fatherland, which is provided for by the Constitution.

The political system, however, mocks and denies them this Constitutional right for purely electioneering purposes.

The reason is that the Greek Patriots abroad largely align with the positions and the program of Golden Dawn.

Since 2012, Golden Dawn has brought the matter to the Parliament. The General Secretary of the Popular Association, Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos had made extensive reference to the issue during July 2016 at the passage of the electoral law.