March 20, 2015: Out of Korydallos Prison – Article by N.G. Michaloliakos

20/03/2016 23:14


Exactly one year ago, March 20th of 2015, I was released from prison. I was released from prison but I wasn’t and I am not free according to the laws and decisions of the judicial councils. The first few months I was even forced to remain under house arrest and I was allowed only to go to Parliament! After nearly five months I was allowed to leave of my house, but not allowed outside of Attica, only under conditions, which makes my movement around the country essentially limited. Among other things I am not allowed to use water and aerial transportation!
Thirty whole months have passes from the day our political rivals and some perjurers set-up an entire conspiracy against Golden Dawn. If we were guilty, if they could convict us, rest assured they would have finished all the procedures and they would have literally exterminated the Popular Nationalist Movement. The fact that they have not done so by now simply means that they cannot do it, since whether they want it or not, in the end the Truth will be revealed and all the fairy tales about a political party and in particular the third political force of the country is… a criminal organization(!) will collapse.
On March 20, 2015, a year ago, I was released from Korydallos Prison, but this unprecedented political conspiracy is not yet finished, which without any evidence was founded on the logic of collective responsibility, a type logic enforced by tyrannical regimes and not by democratic ones.
Our captors believe that with our continued “captivity” they will take away our right to speak the truth, to defend the Fatherland, Faith and our ideals. They are mistaken and the greatest proof of this is the continuous struggle and rise of GOLDEN DAWN, the Greek Nationalists Movement, which they war with hated, both the liberal servants of political lawlessness and their companions the Marxists. They’ll have to understand that GOLDEN DAWN is an Idea, that her agonists are ideologues and they can’t stop us with their prohibitions and political terrorism from the State and para-State.