Massive Golden Dawn demonstration defies leftist attempt to ban it - Videos/Photos
31/01/2016 21:59
“TURKS! MONGOLS! MURDERERS!” Could be heard through the streets of Athens on the night of January 30th. The nationalists yelled “Anarchists and Bolsheviks, the Streets do not belong to you!” as the 20th Anniversary of a Turkish attack on the Greek Island of Imia is remembered.
Thousands of Nationalists from all over Europe were in attendance, from countries such as Germany, the UK, Italy, Romania, Poland and more, in what has become a massive event. The leftist Government of SYRIZA for the first time ever, banned all demonstrations in the center of Athens out of fear of the anarchist rich children getting hurt by the Nationalist onslaught.
The 10’s of thousands marched anyway towards the ministry of defense and like every year when the Nationalists of Golden Dawn march, the Anarchists and other orphans of Marx were afraid to leave their homes.
Report by Russia Today: