More money to the illegal immigrants, taxes and cuts to Greek people

30/12/2016 16:23

More money to the illegal immigrants, taxes and cuts to Greek people

The anti-Greek government of Tsipras - Kammenos distributes 400 euros per month to the illegal immigrants, while it is destroying the lives of millions of our compatriots with the miserable taxation and the Memorandum’s cuts. Racism against the Greeks will not pass.


Golden Dawn - Press Office


The anti-Greek government of Tsipras - Kammenos distributes 400 euros per month to the illegal immigrants, while it is destroying the lives of millions of our compatriots with the miserable taxation and the Memorandum’s cuts. Racism against the Greeks will not pass.
Golden Dawn - Press Office

Ρατσισμός κατά των Ελλήνων: Φιλόδωρημα για μία φορά στους συνταξιούχους - Μόνιμο μισθό 400 ευρώ στους λαθρομετανάστες