N.G. Michaloliakos at "Parapolitika": We say NO to the selling-out of Greece!
28/05/2016 18:47
The dynamics of Golden Dawn can’t be stopped because we are sincere to the Greek People while SYRIZA and ND continue to deceive the Greeks.
The Leader of Golden Dawn, N. G. Michaloliakos talked to the journalist D. Giannakopoulos of the newspaper “Parapolitika” about the devastating Memorandum legislation of the cohabitation of SYRIZA-ANEL.
“Golden Dawn suggests hard negotiations for the exit from the euro and the return to the national currency. A disorderly bankruptcy implies the loss of hundreds billions for the powerful of the E.U., so we have to act according to this logic. Return to the national currency and the national production.” With these words the Secretary General of People’s Association Golden Dawn, Nikos Michaloliakos, defines his perspective towards the upcoming developments, clarifying that his party will vote once again “No at All” in the upcoming vote of the draft law, “staying true to our initial position, that we had declared ever since the first moment of the dreadful implication of Greece with the Memoranda and the national creditors.”
During his interview at “Parapolitika”, Mr Michaloliakos expresses the opinion that the debt is not manageable, something confirmed by the declarations of the German minister of Economy, Wolfgang Schäuble, who rejected the recommendation of IMF, regarding the prolongation of repayment in the long future, until 2080. “Without a bold debt write-off, nothing can be done. The rumors can only cause additional problems. They also admit it now.” Under this assumption, he exclude any initiatives from quartet’s side, about this subject.
Concerning the draft law he states: “The so called “cutter’’ will lead to the official foreign administration of the country. Until the present day, others made the decisions instead of us, yet from now on this will happen formally. The greek government will be literally transferred abroad, out of this country. About the “red” loans he declares: “They constitute a deeply anti-grassroots measure, which is about to devastate the society. They lie about the handing of these loans from the management companies. These companies are already established in Athens and occupy employees. They are set and they expect the green light from the government.
About this burning issue, Mr Michaloliakos proposes the following: “Instead of passing the “red” home loans to the “loan sharks” at 20% of the initial value of the loans, why don’t they offer the right to the borrowers, in order to repay their home loan under the same percentage? In this way, the residence would be assured and the social enslavement could be evaded. He also condemns ND for her attitude towards the Superfund of denationalization. “ND policy is covered with hypocrisy and brutal neoliberalism. The archeological sites, even the administration of hydrocarbons and in general our mineral resources will be included in this Superfund. We used to say that these policies would end to the selling of Acropolis. It seems that Acropolis will not be sold but rented."
Apart from the above, Mr Michaloliakos note that behind the scenes there are political processes, in order to “reduce” the Golden Dawn at elections: “SYRIZA lied tremendously about the Memoranda. They deceived the people, so the system, terrified from the danger, promotes cohabitations like PASOK and Potami, in order to prevent the placing of Golden Dawn as the third force in the next elections. Our rise can be stopped, simply because we spoke the truth to the people from the very first moment. We grow steadily and we continue with clear positions and constant contact with the citizens throughout Greece.” He focused on the increasing communication with the youth and the continuous activities for the strengthening of this relation.
The illegal immigrants and the selective sensitivities of the leftists
A dark area for the political party of Mr Michaloliakos is the high number of refugees that have invaded in Greece. The issue of the illegal entry of hundreds thousands of people in our homeland, is not so much a “refugee problem”, as it is a problem of illegal immigration, noting that the term “illegal immigrant” is already officially used within the European Union and that the “selective sensitivities-obsessions of the left wing miss the point”. Golden Dawn “does not comply with the national crime of the massive admission of hundreds of illegal immigrants to our country, with the presence of NATO at national territorial waters and with the concession of the national sovereignty.”
Regarding the camps, he wonders about the kind of sensitivities of this government, who “let these people in the mud, suffering from diseases and quarrelling with each other, remaining in reality prisoners in the greek territory.”
The Genocide of Greeks and the depreciation of Putin’s arrival
When it comes to the subject of the genocide “of the greek population of Pontus and in general the slaughters of Greeks of Asia Minor and elsewhere in the Ottoman Empire”, Golden dawn reports that these crimes remain unknown to the most European countries. “The main objective of Golden Dawn consists in the recognition of all the righteous crimes that have taken place at the expense of Greek People and in the recognition of the Genocide of the Pontic Greeks from all the nations.”
In the same time Mr Michaloliakos accuses the government of not promoting adequately this subject to the international forums. Concluding, he recommends that government should not depreciate the importance of the visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to our country, since it’s about a subject of mayor importance for the geopolitical map of the wider area.
From: www.xryshaygh.com