N.G. Michaloliakos speaks to the ‘National Herald’: Our Brothers and Sisters of the Diaspora are Greeks Twice Over
11/09/2015 17:41

This was published in the Greek American Newspaper The National Herald, translated from Greek by Andreas of Golden Dawn New York.
The leader of the Golden Dawn, Nikolaos Michaloliakos in an interview with the ‘National Herald’, confirmed that currently the opinion polls show his party coming in third.
Specifically he stated “we’re doing very well and have been receiving warm responses from the people. Everything suggests that Golden Dawn’s percentage will increase. We will be the third party in Parliament despite the fact that we have been excluded from all the major news outlets in the country and are the recipients of mud and slander”. He explained that “They exclude us because they don’t want the voice of the truth to be heard. Here in Greece, for many years the Marxist word of left has dominated and they want nothing nationalist in the country”.
On the outcome of the elections he said, “no one will be able to form a majority government, we will see an alliance government, but no matter what government may form it will continue with the policies of the Memorandum of the left. They said they would never bring a Memorandum, that they would tear up and abolish the previous Memorandums, and then they brought an even harsher Memorandum to our homeland, which offers no guarantee for the future of the country and for national development.”
To the question “With whom could you work together?”, he answered “We can’t work together with any of the parties of the Marxist left because there are significant political and ideological differences, but from there on out, the remaining parties have adhered to a policy, that is harmful to our nation, the policy of the Memorandums and the enslavement of the country to the international lenders”.
When we asked him if there was another path, if there is life without the Memorandums, he replied “Certainly there is life without the Memorandum, as there was life for the Greeks without the euro. We entered the Eurozone in 2000 with misleading information and this brought about the destruction of the Greek economy”.
In regarding to an alternative solution, he said “there is only one, for the Greek to return to national production, for industry to be developed again, our agricultural production, our livestock farming, our small industries, in other words the sectors in of the Greek economy which were healthy just a few years ago, and which thought the policies which they followed, were destroyed”.
Regarding who will contribute to this recovery, he stressed “only the Greeks can help the Greeks, the Greeks must love their land, they must go back to working hard and only in this way can the land be reborn” he added “we must exploit the wealth of the country because Greece is a rich country, rich underground, with hydrocarbons as we know, ores, with a blessed land.”
When we asked him if he sees this development within the Euro or outside of it, Mr. Michaloliakos stressed: “It’s a secondary issue, if the state truly wanted to help the Greek businesspeople develop, development will come regardless of what the monetary situation of the country has, but instead the state looks at how to exterminate the Greek businessperson. Changing the tax system twice a year, Greek businesses can’t survive, they lay off the workers”.
Concerning the immigration issue, he said “Greece, as a sovereign state must protect its borders with the Armed Forces and security forces and exercise a deterrence policy, because today it’s not possible for the poor and bankrupt Greece of ten million people to endure the millions of refugees from the wars in Asia and Africa.”
To the question “you take a position against refugees are they not also children of God?” He answered “Of course they are children of God and have suffered a merciless persecution by some inhuman jihadists. But Greece can’t handle taking care of these millions”.
On the Diaspora said “they are our brothers and sisters who are Greeks twice over, because they love Greece more than the Greeks in Greece” and he stressed that “of course they should have the right to vote”.
Mr. Michaloliakos has family in California.