N. G. Michaloliakos: The political system is falling apart
06/12/2015 23:27
The consecutive elections and the constant frustrations of the hopes of the Greek People have created an extremely dangerous climate for our Nation. Beyond the given demerits for the political system, which exists and takes almost majority size in the Greek People, unfortunately spreads a spirit of passivity that is even more dangerous for the future of our Nation.
Our People seem to bend under the big problems that today exist in our Homeland. The destitution, the poverty, the unemployment of the past five years of the Memorandum and the hopes that in vain were nourished and have been denied by both the memoranda of PASOK and ND and the one of SYRIZA, have plunged into despair the Greeks, who idly watch the situation without reacting. This is an extremely dangerous phenomenon against which GOLDEN DAWN must give its struggle in order to awaken the People and claim its rights. To this passivity greatly contributes the desert of the Ideals, which was systematically fostered by the regime of political changeover and the parties in power in which SYRIZA came to be added over the past year.
In regards to the demerit for the political system, came a poll of the company Kapa Research published in "To Vima- Sunday edition" that confirms it. But before we talk about the results of this poll, let’s remember the abstention of 45% of the last elections. It is an abstention rate that now shows the indifference of our People in politics. This indifference is clearly shown by the results of this survey, in which a rate of 45% also turns its back on the political system and states it would give white vote, invalid vote or it would not vote at all.
Important detail of this poll is that GOLDEN DAWN remains third party in rank despite the conspiracy of silence against it after the elections and despite the fact of our prosecution, which is continued. Specifically, SYRIZA takes in the poll 18.4% and has lost the 50% of the rate that took in the elections, which took place two months ago. The same happens to New Democracy that takes 14.9% and loses half of its electoral strength.
GOLDEN DAWN in this political survey takes 5.6% (without recourse) and certainly a percentage of those who disdain the political system is close to it, making it the most antisystemic party. Also it is worth stressing that in the last elections GOLDEN DAWN had a difference of 0.6% from the fourth party that was PASOK and in the poll this difference is doubled and reaches 1.1%! Important clue is that the parties POTAMI, ANEL and Centre Union are disappeared and take a rate around 2%.
So, two months after the elections GOLDEN DAWN is still the third party, keeps its forces and of course is going to be stronger. All these in a climate of terror, exclusion and with a fifth phalanx of whisperers present, who have the audacity to claim that the 7% that we got in the last elections was a… failure!
GOLDEN DAWN came to stay! They shall understand that. It is a political reality which cannot be changed neither by the paid hacks of this rotten system of Media nor by our passionate political opponents.
Secretary General of Popular Association Golden Dawn