No to Islamic terrorism: Dynamic presence of the Golden Dawn and the National People's Front in Paris - Photos
17/11/2015 15:27
A few hours after the bloody attacks in the French capital by the terrorists of the ISIS a group of Golden Dawn and the National People's Front(E.LA.M) met with nationalists from across Europe in Paris to discuss the threat that our Continent faces and the solutions that only the Nationalist Movements can bring.
More specifically, in the 2nd European Congress organized by the French Nationalist organization ''Groupe Union Defense'' participated the Popular Association - Golden Dawn and the National People's Front (E.LA.M.) with speakers who conveyed the situation from the two Greek states.
The Comrade Angelos Ioannou parliamentary project manager, spoke about the invasion that takes place in Greece, with the blessings of the government Tsipras - Kammenos, by hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants which combined with the destructive austerity policies that exterminate the Greeks threatens the demographic composition of our country and the existence of the European nation-states.
The Cypriot Comrade Andreas Yiallourides, parliamentary candidate of Nicosia, described the "contribution" of Islam and multiculturalism in Cyprus and more specifically he spoke about the Turkish invasion and the war crimes committed against the Greeks.
Furthermore he emphasized the fact that a particular "cultural enrichment" cost to Cyprus hundreds of thousands of refugees, missing persons, executed civilians and the destruction of our cultural heritage in the occupied part of Cyprus. In the group of Golden Dawn participated Constantinos Boviatsos and Alexander Liris, Scientific Assistants to the European Parliament, who analyzed to the leaderships of other nationalist movements the EU policies on immigration.
In the 2nd European Congress also participated the Italian ''Casa Pound'', the Spanish ''Hogar Social Madrid'', the Belgian ''Nation'', the French ''Mouvement d'Action Sociale'', the union of white South African farmers ''Transvaalse Landbou-unie'', the Italian philosopher Gabriele Adinolfi, Russian Comrades and of course the organizers, ''Groupe Union Défense''.
By the end of the Congress the French Comrades "guided" the group of Golden Dawn and E.LA.M. in the ghettoised areas of North Paris, that are centers of criminality and ''production cradles'' of terrorists, and in the areas that were attacked by terrorists last Friday.