No word for the wireless of Belogiannis, who informed the Bulgarians regarding the positions of the Greek Army

10/04/2017 18:12

No word for the wireless of Belogiannis, who notified the Bulgarians regarding the positions of the Greek Army

Even this incident happened in Greece of 2017, in the last Soviet of Europe! And the incident is a museum for Nikos Belogiannis, who apart from the crimes for which he is responsible at the expense of Greek people, had also been condemned for espionage. 


From their part, the leftists honored conceitedly one of their collaborators and of course Tsipras considers this deed as the continuation of the criminal history of KKE. In reality, this is true, since until 1968, KKE was one, so Tsipras and SYRIZA constitute nothing else than a part of the separation of KKE during 1968. But let us return to Belogiannis for whom not only the marxists, but also the neoliberals of the fake right side of N.D., invoked that he was executed for his ideas, a fact that has nothing to do with reality. 


There was no found neither a Marx manifest, nor any ideological book. The thing that was found was a wireless with which he used to send telegrams to the Bulgarians regarding the positions of the units of the Greek Army. Towards the Bulgarians, who –with the blessings of Stalin- demanded Thrace and Macedonia at the Peace conference at Paris during 1946. 


The only who responded at this insult against the Nation and the History due to the museum of Belogiannis were the Comrades of Golden Dawn. One day later they received the assault with axes and bombs against their headquarters, while the police of this marxist state could not arrest even one person…





