OXI DAY: Symbol of Resistance… yet reminder of a treason

29/10/2016 18:04

If you are a Greek-American who has had any type of education in the Greek Community, you more than likely have been told of October 28th, Oxi Day. However it is almost guaranteed you have not been shown photos such as the one above. 




The answer is that the treasonous Greek educational system must play a tricky balancing act.  Speaking of Greek pride and flag waving,  while at the same time hiding the truth about the ideological roots of those who gave their lives for Greece.

The story told throughout the Greek school system is that October 28th represents a “war against fascism”. Which is why photos such as this and the ideological ancestor of Golden Dawn, Ioannis Metaxas must be hidden at all costs.  

Treacherous Scum, Such as the (((Washington Oxi Day Foundation))) Pictured above,  have the nerve to distort history and hide the legacy of Metaxas while at the same time supporting a massive wave of invaders into our fatherland, at the behest of their Zionist masters. 

All in exchange for wealthy Greek-American families to line their pockets and buy a few more vacation homes while their compatriots are raped, murdered and starved!

For more historical info about the resistance of October 28th, and the 4th of August Movement we recommend visiting: metaxas-project.com
From: xaameriki.wordpress.com
If you are a Greek-American who has had any type of education in the Greek Community, you more than likely have been told of October 28th, Oxi Day. However it is almost guaranteed you have not been shown photos such as the one above. 
The answer is that the treasonous Greek educational system must play a tricky balancing act.  Speaking of Greek pride and flag waving,  while at the same time hiding the truth about the ideological roots of those who gave their lives for Greece.
The story told throughout the Greek school system is that October 28th represents a “war against fascism”. Which is why photos such as this and the ideological ancestor of Golden Dawn, Ioannis Metaxas must be hidden at all costs.