Revelation from Spiegel: Merkel and Tsipras prepare a colony of 50.000 illegal immigrants within Athens!

25/10/2015 15:43

Αποκάλυψη Spiegel: Αποικία 50 χιλιάδων λαθρομεταναστών ετοιμάζουν μέσα στην Αθήνα Μέρκελ και Τσίπρας!

Organized plan for the occupation of Greece by Muslims

Our wise People says "where there is smoke there is fire"  and this fits exactly to the lobbying talks of Tsipras and Merkel regarding the major problem of illegal immigrants.

After the reports of German media on underground promptings of German chancellery in Tsipras' government, so that Greece would host larger numbers of immigrants to avoid further burdening of Germany, in exchange for relaxation of some of the measures of the Left's Memorandum, the German magazine Der Spiegel reveals that there is a requirement of Merkel and Juncker to be created in Athens a hosting center for 50,000 immigrants!

According to the publication, it has already been requested toTsipras the relocation of illegal immigrants from Kos and Lesvos in Athens, where will be created hosting center for 50,000 people. The facilities of the Olympic Games of 2004 will be used in this direction, while additionally is noted that the center will be managed by officials of Frontex and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

The relevant Tsipras-Merkel talks welcomes and the EU's commissioner for migration, D. Avramopoulos, who speaking to the German magazine claimed the following astonishing: "This game of the responsibility and desperate people simply being loaded to the neighbors should stop''!

It is clear that apart from debt settlement, the "partners" plan to make our Fatherland and warehouse of millions of illegal immigrants and in this national crime synergizes both the government of Tsipras-Kammenos, and the parties of unconstitutionality arc. 

It turns out in the end, that all the, derogatory characterized, "scaremongerings" of Golden Dawn are confirmed in full.