The liberation of Dodecanese islands and another treason of our allies - Article by N.G. Michaloliakos

08/03/2017 17:54

The integration of Dodecanese and another treason of our allies-Article by N.G. Michaloliakos

“Who would have really thought,
to be lies and fables,
and to forget their promises,
that they used to say to us every night
from their London…”


Greece participated at World War I by the side of the “Allies” and the outcome were the bloody sacrifices of our Nation, the destruction in Asia Minor, yet we did not go there alone, but with the inciting of the “allies” and especially England. At World War II, evenly, our Homeland attributed importantly for the victory of the “allies” and again, after the victory of the Greek arms, a great catastrophe followed, the slaughtering of Greeks, incited by the two sides of “allies”, the Soviet Union and the Englishmen and the Americans. 


At the 7th of March of 1948 took place the festive ceremony of integration of Dodecanese in Greece and that was the only profit for our Homeland. They could not though in any way evade the integration, since from the one part, Dodecanese was under the Italian occupation and Italy was defeated and from the other part it was inhabited by Greeks. 


The peace conference took place at 1946, in Paris, while the bloody slaughtering –incited by Bolsheviks-had already erupted. In the conference there were from the one side the defeated countries and from the other side the victories countries, Greece being among them. Greece, however, will keep a passive disposition during the conference, following USA and England. Yet, USA and England incite Greece to withdraw from her demands. Our Homeland demands Northern Epirus, Cyprus and Dodecanese and a regulation of the borders with Bulgaria. Greek People passionately awaits for the results of the conference. 


From the other part, the representatives of Greece at the conference of Paris, are concerned about Macedonia, because the Yugoslavs, having by their side Stalin, pose the issue of the Great “Macedonia” and they combine this recommendation with the armed action of the communists in Northern Greece. 


The principle of the self-determination of peoples dominates in the conference, but it is not applied in the case of Northern Epirus and Cyprus! The deceit of the English side is granted, since it is known that following the battle of Crete, when King George II and the exiled Greek government asked for their installation in Cyprus at 1941, London denied!


The results of this conference brought sadness and wrath to the Greek people and typical of these times is the text of the famous columnist Pavlos Palaiologos, who wrote that the bells should ring mournfully throughout the country. Another treason from the part of our “allies” had taken place! In fact, few years later, Englishmen would hang Greek brave men who were fighting for the union with Greece. As for Northern Epirus, she was placed under the harsh communistic tyranny of Enver Hoxha. 


The climate of these days was expressed with a wonderful song by Sofia Vembo, with the following lyrics: 


Who would have really thought, 
to be lies and fables, 
and to forget their promises,
that they used to say to us every night
from their London…


But it is fine, it is fine,
we shall not mourn
we shall not cry
that we were forgotten again
since this is not
your first treason


And cheers,
we will drink
and reply
to our small Greece:


Have courage Greece
hold on to yourself
do not bother with
what the enemies say


And if they Allies tricked you
in their land sharing
have courage Greece

not to get sick
ecause it is God’s will to live
nd you shall live


In every snowy rock
when we were fighting alone
everyone of them was making promises
and they were looking us in the eyes with love 


But all these are forgotten
Pindus and Trempesina
and maybe even we that we spiled so much blood
we will be blamed because we won
but even this would seem natural
and there will be only one thing to say to our Greece: 


Have courage Greece…” 


Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos

Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn






