The reply of N.G. Michaloliakos to Anastasiadis for the exclusion of the Golden Dawn from the informing of the political leaders

20/11/2016 23:48

The reply of Nicholaos G. Michaloliakos to Anastasiadis for the exclusion of the Golden Dawn from the informing of the political leaders

Anastasiadis did not dare to call the Golden Dawn to the informing of the political leaders, because we are the only party that resists to the treacherous "solution" that they promote for our Cyprus: We say NO to a Bicommunal, Bizonal Federation and we demand the immediate removal of the Turkish occupation army from Cyprus.


N.G. Michaloliakos

Secretary General of People's Association - Golden Dawn





Anastasiadis did not dare to call the Golden Dawn to the informing of the political leaders, because we are the only party that resists to the treacherous "solution" that they promote for our Cyprus: We say NO to a Bicommunal, Bizonal Federation and we demand the immediate removal of the Turkish occupation army from Cyprus.
N.G. Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People's Association - Golden Dawn