TREACHERY: Leftist SYRIZA party and Coalition Partners conspire to give Greek land to Turkey.
Article by George of Golden Dawn New York Division.
The pro-system “radical leftist” party SYRIZA (Coalition of the Radical Left) has three muslim members in parliament. Specifically put there for SYRIZA to show off it’s “inclusiveness”. The Greek constitution was written with the Orthodox Christian faith merged with the state, and SYRIZA seeks to use this “inclusiveness” as a way to throw out the Greek constitution. The coalition partners with SYRIZA have also went a long with this.
The “Muslim Minority” of Greece is a remnant of Ottoman occupation of Greek soil. In 1923 an agreement was reached called the treaty of Lausanne. This agreement deported all Muslims from Greek land, whether they were converts of Greek origin, ethnic Turks, or converts of Slavic origin. Most Greek Orthodox Christians living in what is now Turkey were either exterminated or managed to escape before being exterminated. The one exception in this agreement was that a minority of Greek Orthodox Christians were allowed to remain in Constantinople and a Muslim minority was allowed to remain on within Greek borders in what is called “Thraki”, or Thrace in English.
At the time, there were approximately 200,000 thousand Greeks living in Turkey protected by the treaty, and there were approximately 160,000 or so Muslims living in Thrace, all of whom were not ethnic Turks, but converts to Islam who were of mostly Greek origin or other non Turkic ancestry. They did not speak Turkish or have any other relations with modern Turkey other than being Muslims.
Unsurprisingly to most, The Turkish have by the time of this writing forced out almost all the Greeks from Turkey who were supposed to be protected by the treaty. Over the years the Turks imposed extremely high taxes and even launched violent pogroms to “encourage” them to leave. The Greek government on the other hand has allowed the Muslim minority to flourish in Thrace to well above 200,000. However not only has the number of Muslims increased, the Turkish government has started trying to declare the Muslims that live there “Turks” in order to justify an “independent Thrace“. In other words they are funding separatist NGO’s to declare a state “independence from Greece” yet becoming a satellite of Turkey.
Now, anyone can clearly see that this is an attempt at a land grab of Greek soil by Turkey, but yet what many are not aware of, is that now the Greek governments ruling party, SYRIZA, is now having it’s own MPs such as Muslim “Huseyin Zeybek” organize to assist Turkey in giving away Greek land. In other words a textbook case of high treason.
Here we see Golden Dawn’s Parliament Member Giannis Lagos, Exposing the evidence of the treason in Parliament for all to see. Needless to say this was not given much attention by Greek or “Patriotic” Greek-American media outlets. Watch the 2 subtitled videos below:
As time goes on, the blatant treason grows ever more arrogant. The National Resistance of Golden Dawn rises like a fire. The final conflict with the traitors is drawing near.