Trump’s economic program and Greece in the era of memoranda - Article by N. G. Michaloliakos

24/11/2016 23:46

Trump’s economic program and Greece in the era of memoranda-Article of N. G. Michaloliakos

It is certain that Trump’s victory at the US elections will create a new landscape in the political life in Europe and of course in Greece. 


It is worth noting that the day before the election of Trump, SYRIZA had a reshuffle, where persons that are close to the inner circle of Clinton and George Soros have taken critical posts. Well, it seems that their luck is fainting… On the other hand, New Democracy was completely unprepared towards the great change that took place in Washington. 


A new political wind sweeps against the globalization, which is going to crush the economic plans of the suzerains of the European Union. Plans, according to which, Greece is literally about to be executed, considering the constant Memoranda, which apart from failing to save this country, have also led her towards a total economic disaster. 


I do not claim that Trump might rescue Greece, whoever Trump, since only Greeks can save Greece and this must be inscribed in the consciousness of our people! We can distinguish, however, the main points of Trump’s economic program, with which he was able to convince the people of the USA and especially the working classes of the white Americans, who voted for him in an overwhelming majority. We could also examine if these facts would be useful for Greece in 2016, a Greece literally vanquished by the memoranda. 


Trump reclaims a bold development with low tax rates, aspiring to create a self-sustaining mechanism in the public revenues. In our case, the predatory tax rates that have been imposed, have led to the closing of hundreds of thousand enterprises, while thousands of other companies have transferred their legal address out of the country. Trump has promptly declared his opposition towards the policy of the central banks, a policy that has literally ravaged our Homeland, leading to her present situation. A policy completely set in the service of the globalization. 


Regarding the issue of the illegal immigration and his proposal for the construction of a fence in the borders with Mexico, he has stated that “a Nation without borders is no Nation”. And this statement comes from the head of a state, which is not a Nation according to the distinct definition, contrary to our case, since we do constitute a national state, which follows the disastrous policy of the open borders! 


Concerning the foreign policy of USA, Trump wishes for the urgent end of war in Syria and, in fact, in collaboration with Russia! This development seems to be the most positive for Greece that is directly affected by this war, with the millions of illegal immigrants, who whether because of the war, whether on the pretext of war, have entered or aim to enter in our Homeland. Let us not forget that the Obama and Clinton policy created the chaos and ruined Syria, Iraq and Libya, with the notable movement of the “arab spring”.  Only one country evaded the ravaging, Egypt, and that because a military dictatorship has been established. Also, Donald Trump proposes a national protectionism in the economy, something that Greece should have done from the very first moments of the crisis, if only, of course, she was governed by a national government. 


Only by protecting the national products, only through the increase of the national production, the national economy can be saved. Not with the memoranda, which inevitably lead to the catastrophe.  


N. G. Michaloliakos

Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn






It is certain that Trump’s victory at the US elections will create a new landscape in the political life in Europe and of course in Greece. 
It is worth noting that the day before the election of Trump, SYRIZA had a reshuffle, where persons that are close to the inner circle of Clinton and George Soros have taken critical posts. Well, it seems that their luck is fainting… On the other hand, New Democracy was completely unprepared towards the great change that took place in Washington. 
A new political wind sweeps against the globalization, which is going to crush the economic plans of the suzerains of the European Union. Plans, according to which, Greece is literally about to be executed, considering the constant Memoranda, which apart from failing to save this country, have also led her towards a total economic disaster. 
I do not claim that Trump might rescue Greece, whoever Trump, since only Greeks can save Greece and this must be inscribed in the consciousness of our people! We can distinguish, however, the main points of Trump’s economic program, with which he was able to convince the people of the USA and especially the working classes of the white Americans, who voted for him in an overwhelming majority. We could also examine if these facts would be useful for Greece in 2016, a Greece literally vanquished by the memoranda. 
Trump reclaims a bold development with low tax rates, aspiring to create a self-sustaining mechanism in the public revenues. In our case, the predatory tax rates that have been imposed, have led to the closing of hundreds of thousand enterprises, while thousands of other companies have transferred their legal address out of the country. Trump has promptly declared his opposition towards the policy of the central banks, a policy that has literally ravaged our Homeland, leading to her present situation. A policy completely set in the service of the globalization. 
Regarding the issue of the illegal immigration and his proposal for the construction of a fence in the borders with Mexico, he has stated that “a Nation without borders is no Nation”. And this statement comes from the head of a state, which is not a Nation according to the distinct definition, contrary to our case, since we do constitute a national state, which follows the disastrous policy of the open borders! 
Concerning the foreign policy of USA, Trump wishes for the urgent end of war in Syria and, in fact, in collaboration with Russia! This development seems to be the most positive for Greece that is directly affected by this war, with the millions of illegal immigrants, who whether because of the war, whether on the pretext of war, have entered or aim to enter in our Homeland. Let us not forget that the Obama and Clinton policy created the chaos and ruined Syria, Iraq and Libya, with the notable movement of the “arab spring”.  Only one country evaded the ravaging, Egypt, and that because a military dictatorship has been established. Also, Donald Trump proposes a national protectionism in the economy, something that Greece should have done from the very first moments of the crisis, if only, of course, she was governed by a national government. 
Only by protecting the national products, only through the increase of the national production, the national economy can be saved. Not with the memoranda, which inevitably lead to the catastrophe.  
N. G. Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn