Tsipras bowed to the Zionist state – He never honored the millions of victims of Pontian Hellenism
29/11/2015 19:09
Tsipras made a visit to Israel, on Wednesday the 25th of November. It’s reported that his first concern was to tour the Holocaust Museum, where he wore the Jewish kippah and later laid a wreath.

In a statement immediately after leaving the Museum, Tsipras said: “We’re in a place of particular historical symbolism. In my first visit Jerusalem as Prime Minister I asked to visit the Holocaust Museum which is a landmark of recent history and because it’s everyone’s responsibility that this landmark of the Holocaust, the black spot of history not be forgotten by us, so we don’t allow anyone that would want to repeat it to do so.”

Simply put, Tsipras asked that the Jewish Holocaust not be forgotten, but he is the same person that doesn’t condemn the anti-Hellenic comments by Filis and the insult to the Memory of hundreds of thousands of Pontic Greeks who were methodically exterminated by the Turks.
Is the Pontic Genocide not a black spot in history, Mr. Tsipras? Why does your minister, the historically ignorant Filis, try and misrepresent history with the ultimate aim of the Greeks forgetting the genocide? Have you ever placed a wreath in memory of the Pontic Greek victims? Unbridled hypocrisy, Mr. Tsipras.
The Golden Dawn Press Office, regarding the Tsipras visit to Israel, issued the following statement: “Greece should be the central force in the Eastern Mediterranean because of its geopolitical supremacy and her rich energy deposits and shouldn’t be trailing behind Zionist Israel. Tsipras, who erased the Pontic Genocide from the history books, hastened to worship the Holocaust monument proving his racism against the Greeks.”

From: xaameriki.wordpress.com