Tsipras linked to Shipping Moguls on the Lagarde List
16/09/2015 17:30

What is the Lagarde List?
The Largarde List is a document detailing approximately 2062 potential tax evaders in Greece who owned undeclared Swiss bank accounts during the GFC. The list was presented by IMF director/former French Finance Minister Christine Largarde to the Greek government in 2010, however, it remained hidden from the public under PASOK, until it was exposed years later by a rogue journalist who was disgusted in the Greek governments purposeful failure to investigate.
Golden Dawn have demanded the immediate investigation of all those listed on the document, yet to date, subsequent governments have allowed only 150 to be looked into so far, with the huge majority lacking the appropriate thorough investigation to conclude any wrong doing. It was fairly obvious why PASOK and New Democracy stalled the investigation, as many of their political associates, members and supporters were identified in the document.
As Syriza is technically a ‘new’ party (though we all know they are PASOK 2.0), they were largely free of the scandal as they took power well after the document surfaced. It was expected that when Syriza took power, they would continue the investigation into Largarde List, in order to persecute those that were proven to of ripped off the Greek people & state.
After all, wouldn’t this be a great chance for the ‘radical leftists’ to lawfully retaliate against their political rivals? It makes perfect sense to assume that if they have nothing to hide, they would investigate.
Why has Syriza stalled?
To date, Syriza has been as incompetent as PASOK & New Democracy in investigating the Lagarde List, which has been suspected by many that they too must have ties to the profiteers. While Golden Dawn continue to call for immediate investigations, Syriza is progressing at a pace that would take over 80 years for the investigations to complete. It appears the powers that be have indeed something to hide.
This week new information has been revealed that directly ties Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras to Greeks on the Lagarde list. Shortly after the ‘tough’ negotiations where Tsipras failed to enact the will of the Greek people, he was found holidaying at a luxury Villa in July. It turns out the Villa is owned by the shipping oligarch Martinos family, who have 5 members listed on the Lagarde document for possessing undeclared HSBC Bank accounts in Geneva.
While other political parties refuse to point out the obvious, as they too are directly implicated in the scam, Golden Dawn continues to demand the investigation of all cheats who have robbed the system. The fact that Syriza joins PASOK & New Democracy in the den of thieves is nothing newsworthy itself, but just goes to highlight the corruption and hypocrisy of the system.

From: goldendawnaus.blogspot.com.au