When the vote of the people displeases the oligarchy - Article by N. G. Michaloliakos

28/02/2017 20:05

When the vote of the people displeases the oligarchy-Article of N. G. Michaloliakos

The hard core of the USA establishment against Donald Trump


They have been telling us that the volition of the people prevails in democracy. It seems though that this is implied only when they submit and manipulate this volition according to their interests. This is what happens in USA with the election of Donald Trump as the President. 


Of course, the reactions had started since the election campaign, when all the Hollywood stars were disposed negatively to hem, except for Clint Eastwood. Same goes for all the mass media, the newspapers, TV stations and websites. However, the things changed and Donald Trump was elected as president. 


Few hours before the inauguration ceremony of the president of USA, Donald Trump became the target of the investor George Soros. According to the international news agency Reuters, the billionaire investor characterized the elected president of USA as “crook” and “potential dictator” , counting on the latter’s failure. “He stand for the other form of governance, which is the opposite of the open society. He is closer to a dictatorship or a mafia-type regime” Soros warned from Davos, where the economic forum takes place. He also noted that Trump is going to divide the USA, because he fights all those who disagree with him. 


Of course, George Soros is not alone. He controls the notorious NGOs, he controls numerous newspapers and he invests a lot at the propaganda against Trump. The situation in USA reminds of a delirium. Rumors have been spread everywhere regarding the removal of Donald Trump, his assassination and in this point we must recall that the night of his election, Donald Trump had placed tracks with sand, because of fear of a possible bomb attack. There are also those who talk about a violent overturn of Trump. 


Rosa Brooks, a senior Pentagon Policy Official, called for the overturn of the new president in any way!  Even with a…coup! Here is what she wrote in her article at site: washingtontimes.com. “Donald Trump’s first week as president has made it all too clear: Yes, he is as crazy as everyone feared. One possibility is one that until recently I would have said was unthinkable in the United States of America: a military coup, or at least a refusal by military leaders to obey certain orders. I can imagine plausible scenarios in which senior military officials might simply tell the president: “No, sir. We’re not doing that.” Mr. Trump’s thin-skinned, erratic, and unconstrained approach to defense matters of defense could put top U.S. military leaders in a position where they would be forced to execute orders that may be “dangerously unhinged” from a basic understanding of national security. After all, military officers swear to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not the president”.


In the plans of the president of USA is the restoration of the relations with Russia and we immediately observed the rise of tension in Ukraine, which constitutes the fracture line between the major powers. Alexis Tsipras visited Ukraine after the meeting with Merkel. We additionally remind that NGOs as much as SYRIZA youth made protests in Athens against Trump. 


In a recent gathering of the municipal and periphery consultants of GOLDEN DAWN I had stressed that “If Donald Trump and the ideas he stands for survive, the end of the Globalization shall come and the domination of a new model of Economic Nationalism.” It is clear that Donald Trump aspires for the return of the national production in USA and this kind of action shall cause a critical impact to the economic plans of the globalization. 


In the following plans, a great battle will take place in the interior of USA. The falcons of the secret services, the powerful lobbies, the industry of showbiz and the majority of the exquisite of the wealth are against Trump. Will Trump be able to govern USA? The answer to this question will crucially define the future of the entire world! 


Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos

Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn




From: xryshaygh.com