17/03/2017 19:02

People do not believe in them! Only the 7% of people believe that the media in Greece are truly independent.
During the last years GOLDEN DAWN is literally the target bad publicity of the television stations, the newspaper and the radio stations. There is no precedent in the mud that has been thrown against GOLDEN DAWN in the political sphere of this land.
At the same time, apart from the calumniating attacks, there is a conspiracy of silence, considering the complete exclusion from the major media. They do not present in the news even the statements of the writer of this article, of the head of the Popular Association-Golden Dawn party, nor do they present the announcements and press releases of our party, as they are obliged by the Constitution.
Of course, accountable for this matter except for the journalists is also the Greek National Council for Radio and Television (ESR), the independent authority whose obligation is to reassure the compliance of the frequencies, which belong to Greek people, to the Constitution and the laws.
All those who fiercely fight us would expect and will in vain expect to diminish our party in the future with their lies and the calumniations. Yet this did not happen and will not happen for the simplest reason: PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEM!
Few days ago, in an event of the University of Thessalonica an enquiry of the Reuters Institute regarding the journalism, was presented by Oxford University. The enquiry took place at the end of January and the beginning of February and the sample of Greece corresponded to 2.036 persons. The statement of the professors of the journalism and media course of Aristotelian University of Thessalonica, Mr. Panagiotou and Miss Dimitrakopoulou, who were responsible for the publishing of the results for Greece was especially important.
The two professors stated: “It is evident a general sign of doubt towards the political system, with in parallel a lack of trust at media, which according to them are influenced by business and political interests and especially in Greece, this percentage approaches profound rates. This fact derives from the connection of the trust at media with the general trust at the political system.”
Regarding the way of functioning and the… “independence” of the media from economic and political interests, we should note the fact that according to the results of the enquiry only 7% in Greece, believe that media are independent from illicit influences.
Well, all the efforts of the paid reporters and the television liars in order to bend GOLDEN DAWN are in vain, since only 7% of Greeks believe that they are truly independent.
Also, according to the same enquiry, the trust of Greeks at news is only in the rate of 20%, at media in general at 16% and concerning the journalists, only 11% of Greeks trust them. In addition, it is worth reporting the fact that this enquiry took place in 26 countries and the lower rates of trust were detected in Greece!
So, no matter what they do, no matter how much mud they might throw against us, they cannot stop us, they simply delay the inevitable. Meaning an even greater acceptance of the Nationalistic movement from the part of the weary Greek people. Weary people, not only because of the global economic war, but also because of the degeneration and the corruption that prevail in the public sphere of the country.
Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn
From: xryshaygh.com
People do not believe in them! Only the 7% of people believe that the media in Greece are truly independent.
During the last years GOLDEN DAWN is literally the target bad publicity of the television stations, the newspaper and the radio stations. There is no precedent in the mud that has been thrown against GOLDEN DAWN in the political sphere of this land.
At the same time, apart from the calumniating attacks, there is a conspiracy of silence, considering the complete exclusion from the major media. They do not present in the news even the statements of the writer of this article, of the head of the Popular Association-Golden Dawn party, nor do they present the announcements and press releases of our party, as they are obliged by the Constitution.
Of course, accountable for this matter except for the journalists is also the Greek National Council for Radio and Television (ESR), the independent authority whose obligation is to reassure the compliance of the frequencies, which belong to Greek people, to the Constitution and the laws.
All those who fiercely fight us would expect and will in vain expect to diminish our party in the future with their lies and the calumniations. Yet this did not happen and will not happen for the simplest reason: PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEM!
Few days ago, in an event of the University of Thessalonica an enquiry of the Reuters Institute regarding the journalism, was presented by Oxford University. The enquiry took place at the end of January and the beginning of February and the sample of Greece corresponded to 2.036 persons. The statement of the professors of the journalism and media course of Aristotelian University of Thessalonica, Mr. Panagiotou and Miss Dimitrakopoulou, who were responsible for the publishing of the results for Greece was especially important.
The two professors stated: “It is evident a general sign of doubt towards the political system, with in parallel a lack of trust at media, which according to them are influenced by business and political interests and especially in Greece, this percentage approaches profound rates. This fact derives from the connection of the trust at media with the general trust at the political system.”
Regarding the way of functioning and the… “independence” of the media from economic and political interests, we should note the fact that according to the results of the enquiry only 7% in Greece, believe that media are independent from illicit influences.
Well, all the efforts of the paid reporters and the television liars in order to bend GOLDEN DAWN are in vain, since only 7% of Greeks believe that they are truly independent.
Also, according to the same enquiry, the trust of Greeks at news is only in the rate of 20%, at media in general at 16% and concerning the journalists, only 11% of Greeks trust them. In addition, it is worth reporting the fact that this enquiry took place in 26 countries and the lower rates of trust were detected in Greece!
So, no matter what they do, no matter how much mud they might throw against us, they cannot stop us, they simply delay the inevitable. Meaning an even greater acceptance of the Nationalistic movement from the part of the weary Greek people. Weary people, not only because of the global economic war, but also because of the degeneration and the corruption that prevail in the public sphere of the country.
Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden DawnPeople do not believe in them! Only the 7% of people believe that the media in Greece are truly independent.
During the last years GOLDEN DAWN is literally the target bad publicity of the television stations, the newspaper and the radio stations. There is no precedent in the mud that has been thrown against GOLDEN DAWN in the political sphere of this land.
At the same time, apart from the calumniating attacks, there is a conspiracy of silence, considering the complete exclusion from the major media. They do not present in the news even the statements of the writer of this article, of the head of the Popular Association-Golden Dawn party, nor do they present the announcements and press releases of our party, as they are obliged by the Constitution.
Of course, accountable for this matter except for the journalists is also the Greek National Council for Radio and Television (ESR), the independent authority whose obligation is to reassure the compliance of the frequencies, which belong to Greek people, to the Constitution and the laws.
All those who fiercely fight us would expect and will in vain expect to diminish our party in the future with their lies and the calumniations. Yet this did not happen and will not happen for the simplest reason: PEOPLE DO NOT BELIEVE IN THEM!
Few days ago, in an event of the University of Thessalonica an enquiry of the Reuters Institute regarding the journalism, was presented by Oxford University. The enquiry took place at the end of January and the beginning of February and the sample of Greece corresponded to 2.036 persons. The statement of the professors of the journalism and media course of Aristotelian University of Thessalonica, Mr. Panagiotou and Miss Dimitrakopoulou, who were responsible for the publishing of the results for Greece was especially important.
The two professors stated: “It is evident a general sign of doubt towards the political system, with in parallel a lack of trust at media, which according to them are influenced by business and political interests and especially in Greece, this percentage approaches profound rates. This fact derives from the connection of the trust at media with the general trust at the political system.”
Regarding the way of functioning and the… “independence” of the media from economic and political interests, we should note the fact that according to the results of the enquiry only 7% in Greece, believe that media are independent from illicit influences.
Well, all the efforts of the paid reporters and the television liars in order to bend GOLDEN DAWN are in vain, since only 7% of Greeks believe that they are truly independent.
Also, according to the same enquiry, the trust of Greeks at news is only in the rate of 20%, at media in general at 16% and concerning the journalists, only 11% of Greeks trust them. In addition, it is worth reporting the fact that this enquiry took place in 26 countries and the lower rates of trust were detected in Greece!
So, no matter what they do, no matter how much mud they might throw against us, they cannot stop us, they simply delay the inevitable. Meaning an even greater acceptance of the Nationalistic movement from the part of the weary Greek people. Weary people, not only because of the global economic war, but also because of the degeneration and the corruption that prevail in the public sphere of the country.
Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos
Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn