
Illegal Immigration in the Aegean - All time high

01/08/2015 13:41
Every day, more and more illegal immigrants, many of whom are the product of Zionist-Washington imperialism in the Middle Easter, continue to flood into Greece. Their main passages include being personally escorted by Turkish authorities through Thrace and dumped into Greece, and the other...

The Leader of Golden Dawn N.G. Michaloliakos is now free from house arrest

31/07/2015 14:28
  In 29 July 2015, the Athenian Council of Appeal made a decision to lift Golden Dawn party leader Michaloliako from house arrest, showing once again that justice can prevail in even the most darkest of times. The Athens Court of Appeal, by decision of the EEA Joint Committee was...

Latest polls: Golden Dawn nearly doubles in support following Syriza's sell-out

28/07/2015 14:22
The political treachery by the establishment parties following Tsipra’s sell out, and the almost universal agreement of all other parties who voted in favour of the 3rd memorandum have verified what many have been warning; the inevitable, but slow rise of Golden Dawn. Now that the Nationalists...

Nordfront Radio: Interview with Grigoris Georgitsopoulos of the Golden Dawn

28/07/2015 14:15
Here comes the seventeenth episode of Radio North Front. We are joined by Robin Palm leaf, Martin Saxlind and Pär Sjogren, with special guest Grigoris Georgitsopoulos from the Golden Dawn. Georgitsopoulos is a leading figure in Thessaloniki's Youth Front, and is interviewed by the three Nordic...

10th General Assembly of the World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association

27/07/2015 14:11
The World Hellenic Inter-Parliamentary Association (W.H.I.A), founded almost a decade ago, is an International Body of elected Parliamentarians who share a Greek background, but reside outside of the Hellenic republic.   On the 10th General Assembly of the W.H.I.A hosted in Athens, a...

N. G. Michaloliakos: “Who Governs this land?”

26/07/2015 14:09
    A clip from the Saturday, June 27th Parliament discussion on the referendum vote.   The Secretary General of the Popular Association – Golden Dawn, Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos, struck at the coalition SYRIZA-ANEL and asked the critical question: “Who governs this land? Are...

Patriotism vs. Loyalty to the State

24/07/2015 16:43
  A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government, if it's not on the side of the people. This phrase should be applied to each and everyone in their own lives. If those who rule your country are unpatriotic, you need to fight against the...

George Germenis and Panagiotis Iliopoulos, “We shall continue our political Struggle. They haven’t gotten rid of us”

23/07/2015 15:25
Last Saturday George Germenis and Panagiotis Iliopoulos were released from prison and gave an interview to the newspaper “GOLDEN DAWN.” They spoke about the illegal pre-trial detention of both men as well as the rapid political developments which portend a dark future for our motherland. You...
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