Article archive

Golden Dawn MEP L. Fountoulis: How dare you to speak about a new evaluation? - VIDEO

10/04/2017 20:24
In the plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, during the discussion about the progress of the second evaluation of the Memorandum, Lampros Fountoulis, member of the European Parliament with the popular association “Golden Dawn”, took the floor. During his speech, Mr. Fountoulis...

No word for the wireless of Belogiannis, who informed the Bulgarians regarding the positions of the Greek Army

10/04/2017 18:12
Even this incident happened in Greece of 2017, in the last Soviet of Europe! And the incident is a museum for Nikos Belogiannis, who apart from the crimes for which he is responsible at the expense of Greek people, had also been condemned for espionage.    From their part, the leftists...

For the Communist party alleged phone wiretappings that are actually kids phone pranks - VIDEO

09/04/2017 18:15
Some kids play pranks on the Communist party and use a simple mobile application to link the Perissos offices with Olympiakos and Panathinaikos.   The corrupted political system, from ND to the far left, has turned those phone pranks of the minors into a major political issue to cover the...

ELAM: We are the National Resistance

08/04/2017 22:48
Following the will of the turkish cypriot  pseudo leader of the occupied area, the cypriot parliament voted  against the reference to  the historical union referendum of the 15-1-1950, to our schools. The amendment that humiliates the institutions of Cyprus Republic and the prestige...

MP Eleni Zaroulia: The ‘Constitutional’ parties didn’t condemn the attack against Golden Dawn - VIDEO

08/04/2017 20:21
Prompted by the current questions that she submitted to the responsible ministers that remained unanswered, comrade Eleni Zaroulia made a speech at the parliament.    "I want to make it clear that every time a murderous attack against Golden Dawn, with axes and Molotov bombs takes place,...

The debt is illegal! - Article by the Leader of Golden Dawn N. G. Michaloliakos

08/04/2017 18:09
SYRIZA officially admits it, but forces Greek People top pay for it!   During the debate at the Parliament that took place due to the establishing of a commission of enquiry for Giannos Papantoniou, I proved that according to the positions of SYRIZA, as they are presented in the...

N. G. Michaloliakos: The ethnic-nihilist rulers honor the traitor Beloyiannis but forget the Hero Pavlos Melas - VIDEO

07/04/2017 18:44
The General Secretary of the Popular Association - Golden Dawn made a phone intervention in the newscast of the TV station Super B of Patras.   Nicholas G. Michaloliakos originally referred to the notorious closing of the evaluation, stressing that it will be finally signed and it will bring...

More silence from the anti-Hellenic System

06/04/2017 22:30
Following the latest terrorist attack on the Golden Dawn Head Office in Athens by Parra State Anarchists, the newspaper ‘Republic’ makes the following observations: ‘Allow me to make two remarks regarding the “democratic" attack on the offices of Golden Dawn. Firstly, the fact that no party...

N. G. Michaloliakos: The memoranda can not bring economical growth - VIDEO

06/04/2017 17:36
The General Secretary of the Popular Association-Golden Dawn gave an all-inclusive interview to the journalist Stergios Kalogiros on the show “Commenting on the news”.   N. G. Michaloliakos originally referred to the war that has broken out between the Netherlands and Turkey while denouncing...

Tsipras will conclude the evaluation with bloody measures

05/04/2017 19:05
Tsipras will sign the “slaughter” to pensions and the gigantism of taxes in order to conclude the evaluation and to stay in power at the expense of the Greek citizens.   Golden Dawn - Press Office  
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