The closing event of the 8th Congress of the Golden Dawn - Full report, Photos & Videos

29/03/2016 19:58

On 27th of March, within a festive atmosphere and with the participation of thousands of nationalists from all around Greece, the closing event the 8th Congress of the Golden Dawn with the slogan: "We want our country back!" was held.

With enthusiastic spirit of the attendants and the nationalist vigor the comrade Nicos Constantinou opened the event by presenting a summary of decisions of the 8th Congress.


Then the messages of the Comrades imposed on them by the regime, the prohibition to participate in the party's events, Michael Arvanitis, Antonis Gregos and Ilias Kasidiaris.

Also, there was viewed the greeting of the MEP and Vice President of Lega North, Lorenzo Fontana, while present at the event was the German MEP Udo Voigt, the Rome mayor candidate, Simone Di Stefano, the Daniel Carlsen from the Nationalist Party of Denmark and the Alexandre Bole from the Belgian "Nation".

A special moment of the conference was the greeting of the Russian nationalist doctorate of international law, and Milosevic's lawyer, Mikhail Kuznetsov, who under the slogan "Greece - Russia - Alliance" expressed his support to the struggle of the Golden Dawn.

Comrade Yiannis Lagos analyzed the ideological positions of the Golden Dawn, and then the floor took Comrade Artemis Matthaiopoulos who briefly outlined the political positions of the party.

Last took the floor inder enthusiastic ovations the General Secretary  of the Popular Association Golden Dawn, Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos, who after having noted that the political prosecutions, the bullets and the jails did not beat the Greek Nationalists, awarded Alexander Gerontas, the heroic Comrade who was hit by the bullets of parastate terrorists, who murdered George Fountoulis and Manolis Kapelonis, but he remained standing.

The Leader of the Golden Dawn pointed out that for our Motherland we will fight like in Thermopylae, saying: "I do not know if we will win, I know that we will fight with Honor until the end."

He emphasized that the Popular Nationalist Movement eradicates the old parties' policies and introduces a new institution, the "National Council", which will be essentially the parliament of the Free Greece. From the 8th conference he warned that when the Golden Dawn become strong, will not let in their comfort those compromised with the system, noting that the Movement did not change posture and position towards the unpatriotic Memoranda, remaining faithful to the position: No to the Memoranda, No to submission!

Firm position of the Golden Dawn is the geopolitical shift towards the nationalist Orthodox Russia and the Struggle for Freedom in the enslaved Homelands, which is summarized in the words: Next year in Constantinople!


Speech Highlights:

The Popular Association Golden Dawn is not in danger by any of the politicians of the system as and with this conference it was confirmed that in every corner of our country there is the nationalist spark that will bring the Golden Dawn of Hellenism! The proceedings of the 8th Congress were completed with everyone chanting at attention the National Anthem and Anthem of the Movement.


Watch the full event here: