Welcome to ''I stand with Golden Dawn'' 


''I stand with Golden Dawn'' aims to inform the world community about the illegal political persecutions that take place against the Greek nationalist movement ''Popular Association - Golden Dawn''. Also our purpose is to unite all the European Nationalists against the Zionist occupation of Europe and the destruction of our Nations.


This website was created so anyone from all over the world can be daily informed about the Movement through translated articles and news feed that we publish from the official websites of the Golden Dawn party and its allies which are banned in many countries.




The majority of Americans supports the order of Trump for the muslim immigrants

05/02/2017 16:14
Despite the rabid propaganda of the media, the incendiary behavior of random wealthy “celebrities” against him and the paid by the treasuries of Soros “demonstrators”, Trump reinforces his influence to the...

Independent: Trump re-energizes Golden Dawn! - Video

04/02/2017 18:02
British Independent acknowledges the fact that is hidden by all the bankrupt media and the pollsters in Greece and this is the increasing support of Greeks to Golden Dawn after the election of Trump as...

The real motives of the protests against the ban of the entry of islamists at USA

04/02/2017 17:20
In many cities of America but also in capitals of Europe, thousands of demonstrators are protesting the last days against the resolution regarding the entry of muslims at USA from specific countries....

Golden Dawn MP Ilias Kasidiaris: National Currency and National Production are the solution for the Greek economy - Video

04/02/2017 17:13
The spokesperson of Golden Dawn responded from the peristyle of Parliament concerning the Xydakis statement about the drachma (which the parliamentary spokesman of SYRIZA retracted shortly...

IMIA 2017: Watch the entire event in Honor and Remembrance of the fallen Heroes of Imia - VIDEO

03/02/2017 18:11
Watch the entire grand Nationalist event organised by Golden Dawn in Honor and Remembrance of the Heroes of the Greek Nation who sacrificed themselves at...

Albanian Fifth Column in the Greek Armed Forces - Deportation NOW

03/02/2017 15:33
Seven Albanian rifleman in the Greek army have recently been posing while flashing provocative Albanian Nationalist gestures in a recent photograph that is circulating in Greece.   The Globalists say...

When History repeats itself: 1961, 2017, EDA, Golden Dawn and the effort for the reinforce of PASOK

03/02/2017 14:04
During the elections of 1958, due to the dissolution of the political parties of the center, EDA was the second party and the Opposition, a fact that terrified the interior, but also the international factors...

N.G. Michaloliakos: I call the Greek Parliament to lay wreath and raise the Greek Flag at Imia!

02/02/2017 17:02
FROM THE SPEECH OF THE LEADER OF GOLDEN DAWN AT THE PARLIAMENT (WEDNESDAY 18 JANUARY 2015)   “I call the Greek parliament, a deputation from all the parties to go at Imia, lay a wreath and raise a Greek...

Throngs of people to the event of the Local Organization of Golden Dawn in Piraeus - Photos/Video

02/02/2017 16:49
At Friday, the 27th of January of 2017, took place the cutting of the traditional pie at the crowded offices of L.O. at Piraeus. In the presence of the Leader of Golden Dawn N. G. Michaloliakos, a number of...

The answer of Golden Dawn to the stalinist censorship of ERT-State TV

02/02/2017 16:02
The stalinist censorship of ERT and of the members of the political party of SYRIZA towards Golden Dawn is illegal and anti-constitutional. The well paid communist employees of Tsipras should respect at last...
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