Welcome to ''I stand with Golden Dawn'' 


''I stand with Golden Dawn'' aims to inform the world community about the illegal political persecutions that take place against the Greek nationalist movement ''Popular Association - Golden Dawn''. Also our purpose is to unite all the European Nationalists against the Zionist occupation of Europe and the destruction of our Nations.


This website was created so anyone from all over the world can be daily informed about the Movement through translated articles and news feed that we publish from the official websites of the Golden Dawn party and its allies which are banned in many countries.




The Leader of Golden Dawn N. G. Michaloliakos at Contra Channel: Tsipras does not represent the Greeks! - Video

04/12/2016 20:49
“If New Democracy respects the fights of the left wing, then why does she aim to the adherent to the Right side?   The Secretary General of People’s Association Golden Dawn, Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos was...

Golden Dawn: The Defense Committee must indispensably assemble at Kastellorizo

04/12/2016 19:07
Kastellorizo constitutes a part of the Greek territory, therefore we consider as obligatory the meeting of the Defense Committee there.   The deputies of Golden Dawn Aibatidis, Kasidiaris and Pappas...

The Lausanne treaty and Greece of 2016

03/12/2016 23:12
Article in the newspaper “Golden Dawn”   The threats from the part of Turkey and Albania towards our national interests are constant. The responses of the representatives of the political establishment...

The answer of Golden Dawn to the Turkish provocations about Imia

02/12/2016 16:01
Imia is Greek soil, soaked with the blood of our Heroes, Panagiotis Vlachakos, Hector Gialopsos and Christodoulos Karathanasis. We don’t bestow nor a thousandth of the Greek land and sea to the barbarians...

Statement of Golden Dawn on the negotiation and the scenarios for the debt

01/12/2016 19:56
New exhausting measures and no debt relief: that is the price paid by the people, so that the corrupted gang of Tsipras - Kammenos stays in power, who give all to the usurers - lenders. New extreme...

N. G. Michaloliakos: “Those who burn the Greek Flags are the same with those who organize the counter-protests against Golden Dawn”

30/11/2016 16:07
18 November 2016-SPEECH AT THE PARLIAMENTARY GROUP OF GOLDEN DAWN   “Comrades, Mrs. Senator Anke Van dermeersch, Mr. Deputies Filip Dewinter, Jan Penris, Frank Creyelman, your presence here this day...

The Leader of Golden Dawn N.G. Michaloliakos on the developments concerning the Cyprus issue - Video

29/11/2016 22:45
The Secretary General of People’s Association-Golden Dawn made a telephone intervention at the News Program of Extra TV Cyprus.   N. G. Michaloliakos commented firstly on the future of the negotiations...

The political establishment, Golden Dawn and a murderous assault

28/11/2016 18:23
It is now evident, in people’s consciousness, at least at those who “have a mind” according to Plato, that GOLDEN DAWN is the only political party against this crude and anti-Hellenic political establishment,...

Golden Dawn: Press Release of the 26th of November 2016

27/11/2016 19:32
The country is devastated by the Memoranda and the illegal immigration, while the pair of this submissive governance, Tsipras-Mitsotakis, continue their campaigns throughout the country, chasing votes and...

Antifa mob tried to attack Golden Dawn offices in Brussels - Video

26/11/2016 21:20
The forces of the extreme left (which are submissive to the international moneylenders) continue their European campaign against the Popular Association.   The violent incidents, which ended with the...
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