Welcome to ''I stand with Golden Dawn'' 


''I stand with Golden Dawn'' aims to inform the world community about the illegal political persecutions that take place against the Greek nationalist movement ''Popular Association - Golden Dawn''. Also our purpose is to unite all the European Nationalists against the Zionist occupation of Europe and the destruction of our Nations.


This website was created so anyone from all over the world can be daily informed about the Movement through translated articles and news feed that we publish from the official websites of the Golden Dawn party and its allies which are banned in many countries.




E.LA.M.: Thank you, Mr Synadinos!

10/03/2016 13:28
On the occasion of the  speech in the Europarliament, of  MEP (Golden Dawn) E. Synadinos, as National Popular Front we can state our full support to what the General had said against...

The MEP of Golden Dawn E. Synadinos denounces the servile policy of EU towards Turkey and Schulz reacts in frenzy - 2 Videos

09/03/2016 22:59
An unprecedented event in the history of European Parliament, which shows how undemocratic and anti-Greeks are the EU "masterminds", happened a while ago. The ridiculous president of European...

Greece is one big ‘Hot Spot’: The anti-Hellenic government plan for the resettlement of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants!

09/03/2016 18:32
Newspaper “Agora’s” central theme which focused on the SYZIZA Government’s anti-Hellenic plans and attempted transformation of the country into a vast camp of illegal immigrants is particularly revealing....

N. G. Michaloliakos: The struggle for National Freedom continues with Golden Dawn - Video

08/03/2016 18:30
Highlights from a speech by N.G. Michaloliakos at the Athens Local Organization   During his speech the General Secretary of Golden Dawn made reference to the major national issue of our time,...

Slovakia: Victory for the Nationalists in the national elections

07/03/2016 20:58
Patriotic movements fighting back the uncontrolled immigration are constantly gaining more approval in all Central Europe. Ľudová strana Naše Slovensk ( The People's Party Our Slovakia) gained 8,6% and 14...

The Leader of Golden Dawn on illegal immigration and exercising a veto - Video

07/03/2016 18:29
During the March 1st press conference in Parliament by Golden Dawn’s General Secretary on the issue of illegal immigration, he mentioned the positions and proposals of the party, and the possibility of...

Alliance for Peace and Freedom and Civitas organise important conference on the 19th of March

06/03/2016 20:50
On the 19th of March The Alliance for Peace and Freedom will organise an important conference together with Civitas on the topic “From the war in the Middle East to immigration and terrorism in...

Golden Dawn intervenes at the Turkish agents’ event in the European Parliament – Lampros Fountoulis: “Shame on you! Go to Turkey!” - Video

05/03/2016 14:14
WATCH THE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: The host of the event was the anti-Hellenic Csaba Sogor (an agent of Skopje and Turkey) as seen in the controversial footage.  The other guy who reacts by insulting our MEPs...

Calais France: What is really happening in ‘the Jungle’ - Video

04/03/2016 14:10
In this very short clip, a Calais resident has revealed what life is really like for the inhabitants of her town in northern France since the invasion of 3rd world hordes began.     In...

Golden Dawn paid homage to the Battle of Dolma - Photos/Video

03/03/2016 13:58
Golden Dawn paid homage with her presence and with the placing of the wreath by MP Aetolia-Acarnania Barmparousis, elected Municipal Councilor Dimitris Makris, and the secretary of the Messolonghi Local...
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