''I stand with Golden Dawn'' aims to inform the world community about the illegal political persecutions that take place against the Greek nationalist movement ''Popular Association - Golden Dawn''. Also our purpose is to unite all the European Nationalists against the Zionist occupation of Europe and the destruction of our Nations.
This website was created so anyone from all over the world can be daily informed about the Movement through translated articles and news feed that we publish from the official websites of the Golden Dawn party and its allies which are banned in many countries.
The consecutive elections and the constant frustrations of the hopes of the Greek People have created an...
Comrade and Messenia MP, Dimitris Koukoutsis, during his speech in Parliament on the 2016 budget, denounced the SYRIZA – ANEL Coalition which is financially impoverishing the Greek people day-by-day, while...
An act of state terrorism which could trigger a catastrophic World War.” This is how Roberto Fiore from the Alliance for Peace and Freedom (APF) condemned Turkey’s totally unprovoked shooting down of a...
"The shooting down of a Russian Jet this morning is to be considered as another clear declaration by Turkey of its intent to support Islamic States ".
This is how Roberto Fiore, national...
The criminal state of Turkey, which provides aerial support for Islamic terrorists, is now undergoing a process of having its mask removed for the entire international community to see. It has been known...
In the last 5 years, Zionists in Greece have sought to pick up on their big opportunity to win an important role in being Israel’s number 1 ally in the Eastern Mediterranean. The opportunity came about when...
The situation is out of control in Idomene with thousands of Iranians, Bangladeshis, Pakistanis and Moroccans throwing stones and sticks at the Skopian police forces. The reason why the situation has...
The Nationalist leader of the Democratic Party of Russia and coalition partner of Putin, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, has made a statement related to the geostrategic developments in the Eastern Mediterranean...
Tsipras made a visit to Israel, on Wednesday the 25th of November. It’s reported that his first concern was to tour the Holocaust Museum, where he wore the Jewish kippah and later laid a...
Paris Attacks – analysed by Nick Griffin for APF
The Paris Attacks have shocked the world, but they are only the beginning. Having predicted (a month ago) imminent mass casualty attacks in...