Welcome to ''I stand with Golden Dawn'' 


''I stand with Golden Dawn'' aims to inform the world community about the illegal political persecutions that take place against the Greek nationalist movement ''Popular Association - Golden Dawn''. Also our purpose is to unite all the European Nationalists against the Zionist occupation of Europe and the destruction of our Nations.


This website was created so anyone from all over the world can be daily informed about the Movement through translated articles and news feed that we publish from the official websites of the Golden Dawn party and its allies which are banned in many countries.




MP of Golden Dawn Christos Pappas: We stand with Russia - Video

27/11/2015 15:57
The MP of Golden Dawn Christos Pappas, expressed the movement's sympathy towards the Russian people & the Russian Air Force, regarding the shooting down of the Su- 24 Jet fighter in Syria by...

Putin opens war with the Turks: “We were stabbed in the back. No tolerance for partners of jihadists!”

26/11/2015 21:24
Original Article by Kostas Alexandrakis. Translated By Golden Dawn New York Division.   The situation in the broader middle east region smells of gunpowder, the flames of this are now beginning to...

The New Schengen Agreement: Endless hordes of invaders to be stranded in Greece

25/11/2015 20:25
The Schengen Agreement provides citizens of the European Union to travel between member states without border checks, essentially removing internal borders between EU countries. In effect, a Greek Citizen...

The death of a Greek Teacher in Himarra and the mainstream media’s hypocrisy

24/11/2015 20:21
A few days ago teacher Stella Panou-Nika passed away, she had literally dedicated her life to the Greek youths of Himarra in Northern Epirus and the passing on of the Greek language in the unredeemed...

Are Islamic Terrorists and their supporters just a tiny minority among Moslems? – Part 2

23/11/2015 16:02
To continue where we left off, as we saw, according to surveys, a large portion of Moslems support Jihad against Christians.  Some polls showing a sizeable minority, while other polls show that the...

Lefcosia - March against the proclamation of the pseudo state

22/11/2015 16:12
On Monday 16 of November the youth of E.LA.M. demonstrated against the proclamation of the Turkish Cypriot pseudo state. The manifestation took place at the main streets of the last divided European...

Are Islamic Terrorists and their supporters just a tiny minority among Moslems? – Part 1

21/11/2015 19:13
  After the Paris terrorist attacks on Friday night, once again we have the usual scenario - Jew run mainstream Western media, and leftist run media organizations, as well as the general left wingers...

Turks scream “Allahu Akbar!” during moment of silence for Paris victims at Greece-Turkey football match! - Video

20/11/2015 14:42
Despite European Media and Leftists trying to say only a few wacky fringe  Muslims support Terrorism, tens of thousands of Turks scream “Allahu Akbar!” and boo when moment of silence is asked for the...

Muslims or “Middlemen”?: A Guide for Nationalists from Golden Dawn-N.Y.

20/11/2015 14:16
Article by George of Golden Dawn New York Division.   Upon watching the footage of “With Open Gates” a documentary film showing the planned extermination of native Europeans. I was inspired to...

Nikolaos Michaloliakos: The Farmers are the Lifeblood of Greece - Photos & Video

19/11/2015 21:11
The General Secretary of the Popular Association Golden Dawn met today with representatives of farmers, who are protesting against the destructive measures of the Memorandum backing government. Nikolaos G....
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