Welcome to ''I stand with Golden Dawn'' 


''I stand with Golden Dawn'' aims to inform the world community about the illegal political persecutions that take place against the Greek nationalist movement ''Popular Association - Golden Dawn''. Also our purpose is to unite all the European Nationalists against the Zionist occupation of Europe and the destruction of our Nations.


This website was created so anyone from all over the world can be daily informed about the Movement through translated articles and news feed that we publish from the official websites of the Golden Dawn party and its allies which are banned in many countries.




Donald Trump remains consistent to his election campaign commitments during his first speech at the American Congress

02/03/2017 18:30
Yesterday took place the first speech of the 45th President of USA Donald Trump to the American Congress. During his speech, Trump specified that he has kept his commitments during the election campaign and...

Another laughable attempt to falsely link Golden Dawn to attacks on migrants

02/03/2017 17:22
Another laughable accusation has been attempted in order to smear the Golden Dawn, showing once again the pure desperation of the deep state and their futile attempts to shut down the Nationalist...

Golden Dawn marched in memory of Mikis Mantakas - Photos/Video

01/03/2017 19:11
Today, Golden Dawn paid respect to fallen hero, Mikis Mantakas.    Mikis was a Greek student who studied abroad in Italy, who also helped the struggle of fellow Italian Nationalists in their...

Press Release from Golden Dawn about the negotiations with Troika

01/03/2017 18:32
Tough austerity and measures of 3,6 billion of euros with taxes and pension’s cuts are offered by Kammenos and Tsipras to Troika in return for staying to the sinful power.    Golden Dawn - Press...

Editing the opinion polls: When… the voters are divided in order to gain the results they desire

28/02/2017 23:52
Article in the newspaper “Golden Dawn”   The last opinion poll, which was publicly presented, was that of the MRB Company, which was materialized on behalf of STAR television...

When the vote of the people displeases the oligarchy - Article by N. G. Michaloliakos

28/02/2017 20:05
The hard core of the USA establishment against Donald Trump   They have been telling us that the volition of the people prevails in democracy. It seems though that this is implied only when they submit...

Golden Dawn MEP Georgios Epitideios: The laws of nature prescribe that parents are a father and a mother - VIDEO

26/02/2017 19:50
Statement by MEP for the Popular Association "Golden Dawn" Army General Georgios Epitideios during the debate at the European Parliament plenary session in Strasbourg on Cross-Border Aspects of...

N. G. Michaloliakos’ interview to “Russia Athens” about the strong roots of the relationship between Greece and Russia - VIDEO

26/02/2017 19:14
The journalist Pavel Onoiko got an exclusive interview with the General Secretary of the Popular Association - Golden Dawn for the network “Russia Athens” in the event of the National Association of People...

Golden Dawn MEP Georgios Epitideios: European solidarity with the Greeks and not with clandestine migrants - VIDEO

25/02/2017 18:20
Statement by MEP for the Popular Association "Golden Dawn" Army General Georgios Epitideios during the debate at the EP plenary session in Brussels on Managing Migration Along the Central Mediterranean...

Statement by the spokesman of Golden Dawn on the new harsh measures - VIDEO

25/02/2017 17:01
The spokesman of Golden Dawn Ilias Kasidiaris commented on the new economic measures the government is about to bring, from the peristyle of the Parliament:   “Tsipras is ready to “bury” once and for all...
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