''I stand with Golden Dawn'' aims to inform the world community about the illegal political persecutions that take place against the Greek nationalist movement ''Popular Association - Golden Dawn''. Also our purpose is to unite all the European Nationalists against the Zionist occupation of Europe and the destruction of our Nations.
This website was created so anyone from all over the world can be daily informed about the Movement through translated articles and news feed that we publish from the official websites of the Golden Dawn party and its allies which are banned in many countries.
The Facebook administration on the 2nd of July banned the page of our movement. The pro-zionist social network had tried before to ban us but they found nothing to reproach us and, keeping up appearances,...
The Secretary General of the Popular Association – Golden Dawn, Nikolaos G. Michaloliakos, blasted the coalition government of SYRIZA-ANEL, in the House plenary, for the trick of the alleged...
Some say a picture is worth a thousand words, but we could easily reduce this picture of the 'tough negotiations' to just a few.
Syriza's pre-election war cries of 'tearing up the memorandum'...
Golden Dawn's annual protest in tribute to our Macedonia took place on the 27th of June in Thessaloniki, reinforcing the no compromise policy of our heritage.
We have seen the Samaras and...
Golden Dawn, faithful to her approach against the Memorandum, which she consistently has followed for five years now, is in favor to voting down of the usurious lenders’ proposal, whom after...
This week, the Marxists of Syriza passed a bill that essentially signs away Greece's ethnic sovereignty, offering Greek citizenship to untold numbers of foreign aliens. This is the beginning of the end for...
The government after it leading us to the current situation now requiresartificially from the People to approve the relinquishment of National sovereignty and the bloody austerity...
In a blatant disregard for Greek constitutional law, Syriza, Potami and Pasok voted to push forward with a bill that will give illegal immigrants who have resided in Greece long enough Greek...
Secret documents of the NSA were revealed by well known website of Wikileaks. The authenticity of these documents is certified by the insistence with which the US secret services are trying to stop...
A few days ago violent Jewish colonists burned and destroyed a Christian church in Tampgka on the shores of the Lake of Galilee. According to news agencies' information the Jewish vandals caused...